
How Many Points Can I Get before My License is Suspended? What about a DUI?

According to both South Carolina law and the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) have agreed that after a dozen (12) points on your license, it shall be suspended. The length of time for each person will be different, according to your previous record, and amount of points previously accrued.DUI Attorney

South Carolina states the following for suspension times: “12 -15 points: three months suspension; “16 -17 points: four months suspension; “18 – 19 points: five months suspension, and lastly, “20 or more points: your license will be suspended for six months.”

After you have reached half of the allotted points on your license, which is 6, you will most likely receive a letter from the DMV, “advising you to drive more carefully.” In other words, the SCDMV is warning you that if you continue on the path you are with traffic violations, then your consequences may be grave and your driving privileges could be suspended.

However, after you have obtained 12 points on your license, you are ordered to immediately surrender your license over the DMV. If you do not do so, you will have to pay a large fine or maybe even go to jail.

This is the same response if one refuses to blow into a breathalyzer when they get a DUI. According to the implied consent laws of South Carolina, having a license is a privilege and not a right. Therefore, once you get a license, you have consented to surrendering your license in the event that you refuse to blow into a breathalyzer when pulled over for suspicion of a DUI. If it turns up you are over the legal limit, you will also lose your license.

If you are convicted of a DUI for the implied consent laws of South Carolina, or for having too many points on your driver’s license, then you should contact an attorney to help you with the complex system. Contact the law offices of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower, LLP toll-free at 877-374-5999 for more information on your options.

What Does Getting ” Points on Your License” Mean?

istock-keys and liquorEveryone has heard one say to another about a traffic violation that “that is going to be 4 points on your license.” But what does that really mean?

In the state of South Carolina, every moving traffic violation affects the amount of “points” on your driving record and in turn, affects your insurance. In fact, reaching the maximum amount of  “points” on your license will result in suspension or even revocation of your driver’s license completely.

According to the South Carolina DMV, they utilize the “point system,” in hopes to make the “problem” drivers to improve their negative driving mannerisms and aggressiveness, and protect those out there who are just innocent bystanders to the traffic violators. Reckless driving, for example can add some serious points to your license.

So how does it work? Legally, there must be a certain number of points that is assigned to each different type of traffic violations. Once you are found to be guilty of the traffic violations, the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles will make your driving record public to the appropriate authorities, and inform them of your violation.

Points not only reflect again your insurance, but they can also be reported to other states that you have licenses too. Your “record” then becomes public record and the more convictions you obtain, the more points you get. Certain violations have higher or lower than others. For example, failure to stop at a stop time can be 4 points on your license. Eventually, you will get your license suspended or revoked if too many points.

The good thing is that the points on your license will be reduced by half after one year according to the SCDMV. If there have been multiple convictions, then the point reduction system works according to the date of the conviction and the date that it was published on your record.

Obtaining too many points can result in the loss of your license. If you have received a traffic violation or a DUI, then contact the law offices of Reeves, Aiken, and Highower,LLP toll-free at 877-374-5999 for more information and help reducing your points.