Spinal cord injuries are among the most serious injuries commonly suffered in accidents, including car and trucking accidents. Motorcycle accidents also result in serious spinal trauma as well as work related accidents. Common scenarios include blunt force trauma from vehicle accidents and falls “on the job.” 10 out of 11 individuals who suffer from spinal cord injury become permanently paralyzed, and many subsequently die from complications. And as with injuries from any accident, a spinal injury can happen in an instant from inattention or negligence, leaving a young injured person disabled for a lifetime.
Severe thoracic injury will usually result in only paraplegia, paralysis of the lower body, but functionality of the arms and hands will be retained. Thoracic vertebrae (shown in blue) include T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, and T12. Thoracic injuries T8 and above will usually result in loss of abdominal muscle control, and the ability to sit up will be impaired. Also, injuries above Th6 can result in Autonomic Dysreflexia. Injuries T9 through T12 will result in only partial loss of truck control.
Severe injuries in the lumbar and sacral sections of the spine (shown in yellow and green respectively) affect the urinary system, bowel function, and the ability to control the hips, legs, and feet. Injury to the coccyx, shown in purple, can result in severe pain and may need to be relieved by surgical removal of this end segment of the spinal column.
Experienced Spinal Injury Attorneys Robert Reeves,
If you or a loved one have suffered a spinal injury, you should seek the assistance of an experienced spinal injury attorney. Robert Reeves is a former Registered Nurse (RN) who has worked in intensive care. He understands the medical side of complex injury cases and has helped families get through these most difficult times in their lives. Compare our firm to any other, and then call us at 704.351.7979 , or contact us here, for a private consultation.
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