Motorcycle accidents should never happen. If auto and truck drivers were as “safety conscious” as motorcycle riders, they wouldn’t happen. But they do happen and far too often. Motorcycle accidents usually have a couple of things in common.  First, they are almost always serious. And secondly, they are almost always the fault of other drivers, NOT the motorcycle rider. Despite the motorcyclist’s best efforts at taking safety precautions (bright, reflective wear, headlights on, and even loud exhausts), car and truck drivers still pull out in front of, change lanes without looking, and rear-end our friends while claiming “I didn’t see them.” Those on the road, especially on the road in Charlotte, know how dangerous it is to ride. Some people ride motorcycles for fun. Others ride because this is all they have. Either way, if you ride long enough, you know that eventually you’re “going to have to put it down” and hope you live to tell about it and ride again.

In Charlotte, many lawyers advertise for motorcycle accident cases. Some of the ads and tv commercials border on the silly. Lawyers will stand next to a motorcycle and try to look “mean.” Some “dress up” to look like what they think a motorcycle rider wears. They have clever “catch phrases” and logos. They many even wear dark sunglasses and sport a bandana on their head. Real motorcyclists, of course, can see right through these “posers.” Other lawyers may assert that they can somehow represent you better because they “ride.” Riding motorcycles is great, but handling a complex injury, motorcycle accident case first and foremost requires legal skill and experience. We can ride later. But for now, you should make sure your lawyer knows what to do in court.


In your search for a Charlotte motorcycle accident attorney, we respectfully recommend that you carefully research and compare the actual credentials and experience of several lawyers. How long have they practiced law? How often do they settle cases? How often do they file lawsuits in order to fully explore and develop their cases? These are all very important things to ask and know BEFORE you decide which law firm and attorney to hire. Everybody “knows” a lawyer. That’s a good place to start, but you should still do your own research. There is simply too much at stake to take chances. Fair settlement offers rarely happen early in a case. It is only after your lawyer has “turned over every stone” and has shown the insurance company they are serious about going “all the way” that a reasonable offer is made. Too many lawyers settle cases too early and seem reluctant to actually go to court and fight. Clever logos and ad phrases are not enough here. Sometimes, you just have to get ready and take it to court. Of course, the decision to settle or go to trial is always the client’s. We will guide you and give you our best assessment of your case. Then you can tell us how you want to proceed.


North Carolina laws are very harsh on injured people whether you’re hurt in a car, truck, or motorcycle accident. First, North Carolina is one of the last states that still recognizes “contributory negligence” as a complete bar to any recovery. What does this mean? It means that if you are found to be “at fault” in ANY way, your case can be dismissed, and you will get no money, no matter how seriously injured  or even if you are killed. That’s a pretty harsh rule, but North Carolina still uses it. Secondly, you are now restricted to present to juries or negotiate with an insurance adjuster only those medical expenses you actually have to pay. Prior to this new law, you could argue your full medical costs and bills as part of your damages even if they were paid by some other entity (group or private health insurance). With the new law, if you have health insurance or Medicare / Medicaid, you can only present the copay / deductible or federal health insurance lien amount. So, even if your total medical bills are $100,000, you can only show $5,000 if that is the amount due after health insurance pays their part. Of course, $100k sounds a lot more serious than $5k. But that is the law in North Carolina, after repeal of the doctrine of collateral source in these cases.

As you can see, it is critically important that your lawyer is experienced and skilled in handling serious injury cases. As for our firm, Robert J. Reeves has over 25 years legal experience. He is a former insurance defense attorney as well as a former Registered Nurse (RN). Given his medical background, Mr. Reeves understands and can explain complex injury cases as he used to actually treat patients who were seriously injured in crashes. He has been inducted into the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and National Trial Lawyers Top 100 (SC).

We are aggressive but compassionate trial lawyers who proudly represent those who have been seriously injured through no fault of their own. We appreciate the great trust and responsibility our clients place in us and will work tirelessly to make sure we do our best job for you and your family. We would welcome an opportunity to personally sit down and review your particular case. We encourage you to compare our lawyers’ credentials against any other firm and then call us to meet at our Charlotte NC office. At the end of our face to face interview, you should hire the lawyers who give you the most confidence and make you feel the most comfortable. We hope you will give us an opportunity to take care of your family and earn your trust.

*Membership in the Million Dollar Advocates Forum is not intended to convey value for any case. Every situation is different, and value is determined by unique circumstances.

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