The federal drug laws are similar to the South Carolina drug laws but differ quite a bit as to penalties. Federal crimes are serious business, and you need a serious federal criminal attorney.  If you or someone you know has been charged with any drug crime, call the experienced South Carolina federal defense attorney Robert Reeves at 704.351.7979, or use this form, for a free consultation with an attorney.  We’ll help you evaluate your options and develop your best defense to get you the best results possible.

The Federal Drug Crimes:


“Distribution” means that a person is accused of selling, delivering, or providing controlled substances illegally and is often charged if the accused attempts to sell drugs to an undercover officer.  Trafficking refers to distribution of a greater quantity of drugs.

Sentences for the federal crimes of distribution and trafficking generally range from 3 years and a significant fine to life in prison, trafficking being more serious.


Under federal law,  a person can be charged for playing a part in the cultivation or manufacture of a controlled substance.

Sentencing for drug manufacturing varies wildly based on the type of drug produced and the quantity.


Generally, to prove possession the government must prove:

  • knowing and intentional possession a controlled substance
  • without a valid prescription, and
  • a quantity sufficient for personal use or sale.

Possession of paraphernalia associated with drug use is usually a basis for a crime separate from possession of drugs.  Drug paraphernalia includes the following if intended for the use of drugs:  metal, wooden, acrylic, glass, stone, plastic, or ceramic pipes with or without screens, permanent screens, hashish heads, or punctured metal bowls; water pipes; carburetion tubes and devices; smoking and carburetion masks; roach clips: meaning objects used to hold burning material, such as a marihuana cigarette, that has become too small or too short to be held in the hand; miniature spoons with level capacities of one-tenth cubic centimeter or less; chamber pipes; carburetor pipes; electric pipes; air-driven pipes; chillums; bongs; ice pipes or chillers; wired cigarette papers; or cocaine freebase kits.

Possession is often the starting point for a drug investigation, and a possession charge can balloon to include charges of manufacture and distribution or trafficking.

Possession is split into simple possession and possession with intent to distribute, distinguished not by actual intent, but simply by amount of controlled substance in the accused’s possession.

The Criminal Defense Attorney Robert Reeves

If you have been charged with any crime, including federal drug crimes, contact the experienced criminal defense attorney Robert Reeves at 704.351.7979, or use this form, for a free consultation with an attorney.  We’ll help you evaluate your options and develop your best defense to get you the best results possible.

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