If injured on the job, one of your first concerns is getting great medical treatment. After all, you cannot buy good health (think Steve Jobs). So how does this work in a workers compensation case? We explain further below.


Easily the most valuable part of a workers compensation claim is the cost of treatment. However, there are certain restrictions. For example, the employer or their insurance carrier chooses the doctors and hospitals. Just like in life, those who pay get to choose. While you can certainly seek treatment on your own, you would have to pay for it. That seems fair. In addition, all medical treatment recommended by the authorized doctor is approved. If not, it is ordered by the Commission. And finally, treatment continues until the doctor releases you at “maximum medical improvement.” See SC Code Section 42-15-60 for the actual law. Until then, whatever you need to get better will be there.


While recovering, you get whatever you need to heal. However, the insurance carrier must approve it. Otherwise, it is “unauthorized” care. Consequently, you will have to pay and the Commission will not recognize it. Furthermore, there are no weekly benefits if written out of work by an unauthorized physician. Fortunately, these issues rarely come up in workers compensation cases. But if they do, we will be there to guide you through the process. Try not to worry. We’ve got you.


Seems like everyone worries about the future these days. While most wonder “what if,” what if rarely happens. Rather, once released by the doctor, we will know what to expect going forward. In fact, the doctor will tell us what ongoing medications or treatment will be necessary. As before, we will get you everything you need both now and in the future. And finally, workers comp insurance covers prosthetic devices for life. Because of insurance changes, workers comp or private insurance covers you. Either way, someone else pays for your medical treatment.

For more specific information about your case, call Robert Reeves directly  803.554.4147 or email him at .

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