
This will help you better understand the term SR-22 and also give you a break down of each aspect of this type of insurance.

What is SR-22:

Simply stated, an SR-22 is a document that shows proof of financial responsibility. You’ll need an SR-22 if the police caught you driving without insurance or you receive a DUI, and you’ll be required to carry the SR-22 for a specified amount of time (usually three years). Once you properly fulfill that time period, your SR-22 status expires.

SR-22s also are associated with the following:

  • DUI or DWI or any serious moving violation
  • At-fault accidents while driving without insurance
  • Repeat traffic offenses or getting too many tickets in a short time period
  • License suspension or revoked license

How Long Do I Need an SR-22?

Be ready for a long relationship with your SR-22  (in most cases three years). You must carry continuous insurance during the specified period of time before SR-22 status is removed. If your policy lapses or is canceled, your auto insurance company is required to notify the state immediately and your license will be suspended again.


If you currently carry an SR-22 in one state but move to another state, you must fulfill the SR-22 filing period for your former state, even though you no longer reside there. Also, your insurance policy for your new state must have liability limits which meet the minimums required by law in your former (SR-22) state.


If you have an Alaska SR-22, where minimum liability limits are 50/100/25, and you move to Indiana, a state with 25/50/10 liability limits, you’ll need to carry Alaska’s minimum limits of 50/100/25 on your Indiana policy and continue your SR-22 filing with Alaska until the filing period ends.


Delaware, Kentucky, Minnesota, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania don’t require SR-22s, if you already have SR-22 and move to a state that does not require it you will still have to meet the requirements of the state where the charge was committed.

Example 1:

If you have an SR-22 in Texas and then move to Delaware, you’ll need to continue filing an SR-22 with Texas until you’ve met the three-year probationary period for Texas. Even though you’ve got a Delaware policy, you’ll be able to file an SR-22 for Texas until the probationary period expires.

Example 2:

If you live in Delaware and move to Texas, you won’t need to file an SR-22 (barring any special circumstances) with Texas, as the state of Texas will not require you to carry an SR-22 filing based on your driving record in Delaware.

Also of interest:

Some states may require you to pay a fee to file an SR-22.

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