A Chester mother is escaping charges against her for accidentally running over her 1-year-old daughter WedneCar Accident Attorneysday afternoon.

According to the police reports, the 23-year-old mother was at home, working on her 1999 Dodge Durango at the time of incident. She reportedly had the hood up, and was attempting to drive the vehicle from one side of her house to the other.

She stated she was trying to maneuver the car to where a garden hose could reach the hood to clean out the grease and debris.

While driving, the mother left the hood up, blocking her line of sight, and continued to drive until she heard the neighbors screaming loading. It was at that point that she realized that she was backing over her 1-year-old daughter and immediately stopped her vehicle.

The little girl was rushed to Chester Hosptial, the closest hospital in the vicinity, where she suffered minor injuries. Specifically, he right arm was broken and there were some minor scrapes and burns to her stomach and chest.

From Chester Hospital, the girl was later flown via helicopter to Carolinas Medical Center for further treatment.

As of this point, the mother is not being charged with any crime due to the accidental nature of the incident, and the non-life threatening injuries the daughter suffered.

If you, or someone you know has suffered any serious car or personal injuries, contact the law offices of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower, LLP toll-free at 877-374-5999 for more information.