A South Carolina Highway Patrol Officer was cited last Tuesday for driving too fast. Apparently, while the officer was travelling down Interstate 85, he hydroplaned on the wet road, flipping his vehicle over.

During the course of the accident, the Officer suffered minor injuries, was treated and then released from the Spartanburg Regional Medical Center. His injuries may have been more severe, had the officer not been wearing his seatbelt.

The Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Department handled the investigation, as it was their police officer whom was involved. Luckily, there were no other vehicles involved in this single-car wreck.

The Rock Hill Car Wreck Attorneys

Fortunately, no one was seriously injured in the aforementioned accident. However, that is not always the case. Often times, people are seriously injured in car wrecks, and the damage is more than just a car repair bill. With the Fall season just around the corner, all drivers must be extra vigilant when driving in the rain. Some drivers are less expirenced than others, especially some of the younger drivers. With Winthrop University being in the heart of the city, diligence is necessary to ensure the safety of our students, family members, and friends.

If you, or someone who you care about has been involved in any sort of serious car wreck, please call the lawyers at Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower to evaluate your claim. Contact us today and speak directly with one of our car wreck attorneys at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free. We want to help you get the recovery you deserve.