Falling off the wagon is, unfortunately, a very common part of recovery for many addicts. Many things can cause people to wind up drinking or using again even after quitting, but it can be hard to get back on track. You’ll need to acknowledge that you need help, and accept that the relapse happened. It’s helpful to try to pinpoint the root cause of the relapse so that you can try to avoid it in the future. Find support and refocus on the reason why you wanted to get clean and sober in the first place. It can be difficult to forgive yourself when you have a relapse, but recovery is not a straight line for anybody. There will be ups and downs, but as long as you continue to stay committed and ask for help when you need it, you can be successful in your goal of sobriety.

Falling Off the Wagon When in Recovery: Getting Back on Track

Acknowledgement and Acceptance

Falling off the wagon is a common occurrence for those in recovery for drugs or alcohol. Often, these occur due to stress or unexpected changes. But they are something that a lot of people face and move past successfully. Don’t try to make excuses, but instead, accept that the relapse happened. Apologize for anything you need to apologize for, and begin to forgive yourself for the mistake. Focusing too much on it will hinder your recovery, so try to use it as a learning opportunity.

Finding the Root Problem

One thing that can be helpful after falling off the wagon is to figure out what the root of the issue might have been. For many, stress is a huge contributing factor to relapse. It can also occur when you are going through emotionally draining situations like grieving a loved one, going through a breakup, or dealing with social issues. Learning healthy ways of handling stress is imperative because there will always be things that can cause stress in your life.

Finding the Right Kind of Support

It’s important to find support after going through a relapse. You might investigate recovery facilities in your area, reach out to your sponsor, speak with an addiction counselor, or start going to group support meetings again. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Don’t let embarrassment prevent you from getting the support you need because you’ll be less likely to be successful in your journey.

Refocusing on Your Why

Finally, after falling off the wagon, you’ll need to refocus on your why. That’s the thing that finally made you make the decision to get clean in the first place. Maybe it was something like getting healthy for the arrival of your child, a health scare, or problems with work or your social life. Try to bring that inspiration back to the forefront of your mind and refer to anything that helped you stay sober when you were first starting out. Forgive yourself for the mistake and begin to move forward.

Falling off the wagon when in recovery is something that a lot of addicts experience. You are always going to have ups and downs, and stresses that come up in your life. Learning to navigate these in a healthy way can help you avoid relapse in the future. Accept that it happened, and don’t make excuses. Take responsibility and forgive yourself. Then, start trying to figure out the root of the issue and why you think you relapsed in the first place. If you can identify certain triggers, you can work with a counselor to find ways to manage those. Ask for support, and investigate resources in your area. Finally, refocus on the reason why you decided to get sober in the first place. Hopefully, by forgiving yourself and moving forward, you can get back on track with your recovery and be successful in your journey.