
A 44-year-old SC father admits to encouraging his son to fight a fellow teenager, when he took his 14-year-old son to a church parking lot to settle a fight with a 13-year-old boy this past Monday. The conflict began on Facebook and escalated into violence when the two boys met for a face-off at the United Pentecostal Church in Rock Hill, SC.

The 13-year-old’s mother was apparently there watching; however, she maintains that she did not bring her son to fight, but drove to the parking lot on her own volition, after hearing her son had come to the Church to fight. As the altercation became more intense, the father of the 14-year-old got out of his truck, and began waving a gun in the air.  The man claims that he was then attacked by the 13-year-old boy, along with a group of other teens that had been watching the fight. The man then got back in his truck, rammed into the car of the 13-year-old boy’s mother, and sped away.

The man was subsequently arrested, and charged with injury to property. The 13-year-old was also charged with hitting the man’s truck with a crutch.

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