I-85 near uptown Charlotte was shut down during rush hour traffic on Thursday evening after a multi-car crash occurred that left several victims with life-threatening injuries.

The crash happened near W.T. Harris Boulevard when two red sedans and a silver sedan collided at approximately 5:30 p.m.  At least 2 people had to be extracted from their vehicles and transported to a nearby hospital.

Congestion extended for six miles up to I-77, closing all four lanes at exit 45 in the University area.

All northbound lanes were open just before 8 p.m. that evening.

Charlotte Auto Accident Attorneys

Growing traffic congestion and generally being in a hurry is making driving to and from work more stressful, but frankly, more dangerous for the everyday American driver. You have to drive defensively, expect the unexpected, and always have an “escape” plan. Never get caught up in fast moving traffic, and give yourself plenty of room between your car and the one in front of you. Take your time. Get to work or home safe and sound.

The  Accident Attorneys of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower understand that even the most cautious drivers can be injured or killed in a serious car accident.  When you or someone you love has been involved in a serious accident, our seasoned litigators will be there to assist you on your path to recovery.  We will investigate all aspects of your accident and hold all negligent parties accountable for your loss. Call us today and speak directly with one of our lawyers at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free.  Hire the best accident attorneys in whom you have the most confidence.