Memorial Day is a time of year to celebrate the people in our country who have made the ultimate sacrifice in helping keeping this nation safe. For many, Memorial Day weekend provides an opportunity to host parties, cookouts, boat days, and gatherings for those we hold close. However, one thing to keep in mind during your annual celebration, are Memorial Day injuries. Memorial Day injuries can occur for a number of reasons, and in a number of ways. Of course, injuries can occur at any time— and we should always practice caution in our daily lives. However, there are certain issues we are more susceptible to this holiday season. 

Memorial Day Injuries: Avoiding Holiday Misshaps

Car accidents 

You might not realize, but car accidents are increasingly common over Memorial Day weekend. There is an influx of drunk drivers, many people not paying attention, and others who are rushing to the party. So, if you plan to head out this coming holiday weekend: assign a DD or get-home plan, don’t let them drive drowsy, and avoid roads late at night. Taking steps to avoid accidents might just keep you out of harm’s way. 

Water-related Incidents 

It happens every year during Memorial Day weekend: people head out in the masses towards their nearest body of water. For some of us, that might mean a dip in the pool, tubing on the lake, or maybe a little deep sea fishing. Whatever method you use to cool off, it’s important that you take measures for safety.

You’ll likely be drinking and having fun. Therefore, it can be easy to lose sight of proper protocol when it comes to water safety. When in a body of water such as a lake or the ocean, wear a lifejacket. Sure, you know how to swim. But, there are certain factors outside of your control that might make that lifejacket a, well, lifesaver. Furthermore, pool safety is extremely important all Summer long. Not just on Memorial Day.

Alcohol Poisoning 

As we’ve mentioned, Memorial Day is a time of celebration and annual parties for many. Therefore, many tend to drink a bit too much. While this can often be innocent enough— sometimes, it can lead to further complications. Drinking heavily, in the sun, and without the right amount of water— you are at risk for alcohol poisoning. 


Drinking water, even if you don’t plan to drink alcohol, is key to ensuring that you have a solid Memorial Day. Dehydration can certainly throw a wrench into your plans, and cut your day short; It can lead to dizziness, fainting, a lack of energy, and rapid heartbeat among other symptoms.