If you are wondering if your partner is abusing alcohol, you can look for signs and clues from how they live their lives and interact with others. If you do think they are drinking too much, hopefully, you can get them the help that they need. One clue that they might be an alcoholic is if their social life revolves around alcohol. Another sign to look for is if they are cranky and irritable when they don’t drink. Another warning sign is people who don’t show outward signs of drunkenness even when they’ve had enough drinks to be intoxicated. And finally, if drinking is causing problems in their life it’s a clear red flag. All of these can be clues that your partner is drinking too heavily. Hopefully, you can provide a support system for them to get the help they need to get sober.

Signs That Your Partner is Abusing Alcohol: Signs and Symptoms of a Problem

Their Social Life Revolves Around Alcohol

One indication that your partner is abusing alcohol is that their entire social life revolves around it. If every date involves drinking and your weekends are filled with barhopping, it could be a red flag. Additionally, if they wind up drinking even when they don’t plan on it, it can be worrisome. For example, if your partner says they won’t drink but then give in and order something when they see others drinking, it could mean that they have a problem with resisting alcohol. While it’s fine to meet friends for drinks or order a fancy wine while out to dinner, if you’re entire social calendar revolves around alcohol, it’s a problem.

They Are Irritable When They Don’t Drink

Another sign that your partner is abusing alcohol is if they are irritable when they don’t drink. Excessive drinking can change the way your brain functions. It makes it so that your brain can no longer function normally without the alcohol. When you take that alcohol away, it can cause crankiness and irritability as your brain and body adjust to the absence of alcohol. This is one minor symptom of withdrawal. If your partner suffers from this or any other withdrawal symptom, it’s an indication that their body is too dependent on alcohol.

They Hold Their Liquor Too Well

It might be a sign that your partner is abusing alcohol if they hold their liquor too well. People who don’t show outward signs of drunkenness when they are intoxicated have a higher tolerance. But you can only get a higher tolerance for alcohol by drinking larger and larger quantities over time. While some people take pride in how much alcohol they’re able to handle, it can be a warning sign of an alcohol dependency problem.

Drinking Is Causing Problems in Their Life

One final sign that your partner is abusing alcohol is if drinking is causing problems in their life. Excessive drinking can lead to issues with family members and friends, partners, and even work. If they’re having trouble keeping up with personal relationships it can be a warning sign. Additionally, if they’re having issues with coming in late or hungover to work, it’s a definite red flag. Their family might be aware of any past drinking issues and be quick to get concerned if they’re drinking again. Take your cues from family members and long-time friends of your partner. If they seem concerned about the drinking, you should start analyzing your partner’s behavior for signs of alcoholism.

Unfortunately, many people are adept at hiding intense alcohol problems. However, there are signs that your partner is abusing alcohol if you look closely. Recognize if their entire social calendar revolves around drinking. Also, take note if they seem irritable when they abstain from alcohol because this might mean they are dependent. Furthermore, if they hold their liquor well and it’s difficult to tell when they are drunk even after many drinks, it can be a sign that they are drinking too much. And finally, if they’re having issues with family, friends, or their work it’s time to take a closer look. Hopefully, if you see these signs you can get your partner the help they need to get sober.