Unfortunately, when manufacturers design and produce products, they can cut corners or make mistakes, and, when they do and those products injure someone, those manufacturers are liable for those injuries.  If you have been injured by a product, contact the experienced product defect attorneys at Robert J. Reeves P.C. to schedule a free, private consultation to help you evaluate your claim.

For more information about products liability claims and defective products see our Products Liability Blog.


  • Drugs or Pharmaceuticals: prescription and over-the-counter
  • Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, and other automobiles and motor vehicles
  • Boats and personal watercraft (PWC)
  • Products for Children: cribs and other furniture, toys, car seats, strollers, and cosmetic products like shampoo, oil, and powder
  • Medical devices: transvaginal mesh, birth control devices, hip implants, breast implants, and other medical devices
  • Household appliances
  • Boilers, furnaces, heaters, and all gas-fired appliances
  • Construction materials: drywall (foreign, commonly Chinese), Zurn PEX fitting, exterior insulation finishing systems, roofing materials, Stucco, hard board siding
  • Power tools
  • Heavy machinery and construction equipment
  • Airbags
  • Seatbelts
  • Agricultural Products
  • Chemical products
  • Consumer products
  • Electrical devices
  • Ladders
  • ATVs and dirt bikes
  • Bicycles


  • Design ­Defect – when a product is designed in such a way that it is unreasonably dangerous, the manufacturer is liable for any harm that the design defect causes, subject to certain defenses. For example, a three-wheeler may be designed in such a way that it rolls over too easily, and a person is injured by the three-wheeler in a rollover.
  • Manufacturing Defect – when a reasonably designed product is produced but is defective in the way it was produced, the manufacturer will be liable for any injury that the manufacturing defect causes.  For example, a three-wheeler may be designed in a reasonably safe way (if that is even possible), but in manufacture, this particular three-wheeler’s frame welds were too weak.  Then, the three-wheeler injures someone when its frame welds break.
  • Warning Defect (Failure to warn) – If a product is without manufacturing and design defects, it may still be that the product is unreasonably dangerous without a good warning.  If a person is injured by a product with an inadequate warning, the manufacturer will be liable for injuries resulting from the warning defect.  For example, a three-wheeler is manufactured that can safely be ridden only if the riders feet are put on the foot pegs, and this fact is not clear to a reasonable buyer of three-wheelers.  Then, if someone is injured by riding the three-wheeler without using the foot pegs, the manufacturer will be liable in a products liability action for failure to warn.


  • GranuFlo and NaturaLyte Dialysis Products – These widely used dialysis products cause an increased risk of all sorts of medical problems including cardiopulmonary arrest, metabolic alkatosis, low blood pressure, sudden myocardial infarctions (MI, also known as heart attacks), stroke, hypokalemia, hypoxemia, hypercapnia, cardiac arrhythmia, and death.
  • Stryker Hip Implants

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