A Rock Hill, SC man is facing charges of drug possession, after he allegedly became unruly because his mother tried to take custody of his daughter.  He is being charged with unlawful possession of a Xanax, a Schedule IV drug, and disorderly conduct. 

The mother said that she went to her son’s College Avenue home where she found that the child’s clothing was Drug Chargesfilthy, and the baby bag did not contain any food. As a result the mother called the Rock Hill police department.  When the police arrived they reported that the man’s eyes were glassy and bloodshot, his speech was slurred, and he had “cottonmouth.” 

The police found drugs in one of his pockets, and took him into custody.  His mother told officer’s that she has contacted the Department of Social Services regarding the living conditions.  The man is currently being held at theYork CountyDetention Centeron a $10,000 bond. 

If you or a loved one has been charged with possession of a controlled substance, make sure that the arresting officers have respected your rights.  For questions regarding a person’s rights after the police have been called, call the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP at  803.548.4444 or Toll Free at: 877.374.5999.  You can speak to one of our experienced legal professionals who know your rights.