When it comes to traffic laws, we often pick and chose the ones we want to obey. For instance, we may try not to speed but probably don’t worry much about coming to a full stop. Instead, we just roll through the intersection or turn by doing a rolling stop. While this can seem like a small violation, it can actually be a very bad habit. 

Rolling Stop: Why to Avoid

Give Yourself Time to Judge

​The rolling stop can be rather dangerous because you don’t give yourself enough time to judge. When you come to a complete stop, you can assess the intersection or turn. Is another car coming? How far away is it? How fast is the car traveling? Do you have enough time to pull out safely without cutting the car off?

These are all questions that should run through your mind at a stop. Before you make the next, you should answer each one, allowing yourself to judge whether it’s safe. However, if you only do a rolling stop, you don’t give yourself enough time to judge any of these questions.

It May Cost You

The law requires you to come to a complete stop at a red light or stop sign. Therefore, a rolling stop or a failure to stop counts as a traffic violation. That means you could face a ticket if an officer stops you. That ticket will cost you in fines and fees. In some cases, too many violations can lead to an increase in your insurance premium

How to Prevent It

At times, it can be hard to prevent a rolling stop. You check quickly and don’t see anything or feel you have enough time. So, you just keep rolling through without thinking much about it. But coming to a complete stop requires a conscious effort. When you approach a stop sign, give yourself a three second count.

First, allow your tires to completely stop turning. That indicates that your car is at a complete stop. Once your tires stop spinning, count three seconds. During this time, judge any oncoming traffic and assess if you can move safely. If so, after the three seconds you are free to go. When you stick to a three second rule, you can be sure you’re coming to a full stop.