A CDL endorsement provides truck drivers with a specific license that allows them to drive a semi-truck. Furthermore, it ensures that they’re up to the task. While driving through the mountains remains a breeze for some people, accidents are still likely to happen on occasion. Due to the fact that semi-truck accidents offer more consequences than a two car accident might, there are runaway ramps alongside mountain ranges.

Runaway Ramps: A Life-Saving Tool

No doubt, just like all vehicles, semi-trucks can lose control. However, when this happens, it causes a bit more chaos than your average incident. We all want to keep ourselves and others from injury on the roadway. However, we know that accidents happen. 

Anyone who has driven a tractor trailer knowsthat a runaway ramp is there for emergencies only. In fact, the danger of runaway ramps can often lead endangered drivers to avoid them at all costs. Most runaway ramps look quite similar. A steep incline of dirt, speed bumps, and caution signs to alert drivers of it’s purpose. 

What happens when 18 wheelers lose control? 

When a semi-truck cannot stop in time, everyone on the road is in danger. Because semi-trucks are quite large, an accident can cause issue on both sides of the road. Brakes fail, a truck is moving at full speed, and next thing you know— you’re part of a massive collision. This is where those runaway ramps come in. 

As any truck driver knows, runaway ramps are notsomething to use lightly. In fact, they will ruin a vehicle, potentially cause injury to the driver, and lead to one stranded, injured driver. Runaway ramps are a safety feature that should only be used in dire circumstances. However, when needed, they can be a life-saving tool. 

A Life-Saving Tool

While we warn against the potential impact of runaway ramps, please understand that they could be the thing that saves your life as a truck driver. When your vehicle’s brakes go out— you have to figure out a means of saving yourself, and also those around you. In this case, a runaway ramp might be your only option. And in that scenario, you’re saving yourself and countless others from danger.