This article published less than a year ago is very informative about which counties in SC are the most and least safe, at least statistically. The good news is that overall safety is trending higher in SC. Of course, each time you get behind the wheel is independent of any statistics, and each of us controls our own safety awareness and driving habits. If only everyone practiced what we were taught when learning how to drive. Focus on the road. Miminize distractions. Never drink or drive while impaired. Next text or use your cell phone. Always watch out for other drivers and have an “escape plan” if someone else comes into your lane. This Memorial Day weekend, please be safe and keep your family our of harm’s way.
The personal injury attorneys at Reeves, Aiken & Hightwower LLP wish you and your family the very best holiday as we all honor those who serve and protect our American freedoms. We stand ready to help if you are involved in a serious accident. For more information about our lawyers and their credentials, please visit our website at Compare our credentials to any other law firm. Then call 877-374-5999 for a private consultation. Don’t worry. We are here for you.
Chance Of Being In Fatal Accident Greatest In 5 SC Counties
Published: August 02, 2011
Lee County was the most dangerous for being killed in a traffic collision in 2009, according to the crash analysis. Lee County roads logged a fatality rate of 4.5 deaths per 100 million vehicle miles traveled compared to the statewide fatality rate of 1.83 deaths per 100 million vehicles miles traveled.
Additionally, .Lee County had 1.7 percent (16) of the state’s 894 traffic fatalities while carrying only .7 percent of the vehicle miles traveled.
South Carolina traffic deaths dropped by 2.9 percent in 2009 to 894 traffic fatalities from 921 fatalities in 2008.
In 2008, SC was ranked the third most dangerous state per mile driven with a fatality rate at 1.86 per 100 million vehicle miles traveled, according to Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS). NC was ranked 18th most dangerous state in same analysis. The 2009 rate for SC was 1.83, a small improvement from 2008.
Safest counties in SC were: Calhoun for all collisions, Jasper for traffic injuries and Newberry for fatal crashes, according to the AAA ranking.
“It is gratifying to see the decrease in fatalities but dismaying to note that more than two still people die every day on SC roads,” said David E. Parsons, CEO and president of AAA Carolinas.
The deadliest county for the total number of fatalities was Horry (Myrtle Beach), where 64 individuals were killed in traffic accidents in 2009. This represents 7.3 percent of the state’s total traffic fatalities while the county logged nearly six percent of all vehicle miles traveled.
McCormick and Oconee Counties have the highest percentage of crashes and injuries from motorcycles for 2009.
AAA Carolinas’ annual Dangerous County analysis, inaugurated in 1995, is one of several ways to look at SC traffic crash data and done to remind motorists in the state the need for safe and defensive driving.
Dangerous counties are ranked based on the likelihood of a certain type of crash based on total vehicle miles driven. Counties are listed in order of 2009 ranking.
All crashes: Greenville, Charleston, Richland (Columbia), Pickens and Greenwood
Injury crashes: Greenwood, Sumter, Marlboro, Florence, and Lancaster
Fatal crashes: Lee, Marlboro, McCormick, Clarendon and Williamsburg
For all vehicles in SC the total number of crashes decreased less than one percent to 106,863 from last year’s 107,252, and injury crashes increased less than one percent to 31,086 from 31,053 in 2008.
The safest counties in 2009 for all motorists, with the smallest percentage of accidents per mile driven, were:
All crashes: Calhoun, Fairfield, Jasper, Allendale and Clarendon
Injury crashes: Jasper, Calhoun, Newberry, Clarendon and Allendale
Fatal crashes: Newberry, Spartanburg, Richland (Columbia), Dillon and Beaufort