Watching out for potential signs of alcoholism in a family member might mean that you catch an addiction early and can get them the support they need to quit. It’s easy to blow off incidents of a friend or family member getting overly intoxicated. However, if it happens regularly, it might be indicative of a problem. If that’s the case, it’s worth digging a little deeper to see if there might be signs of alcoholism. For example, drinking in secret or getting defensive about their drinking. Additionally, they might seem out of control, or you might notice some changes to their personality. If you notice any of these indicators, it’s worth sitting down privately and having a conversation. Hopefully, if there is an addiction issue, you can help them get the help they need to recover.

Potential Signs of Alcoholism in a Family Member: Spotting Early Signals

Drinking in Secret

One of the potential signs of alcoholism in a family member or friend is if you catch them drinking in secret. Or if it seems like their intoxication doesn’t match the drinks you’ve seen them drink. For example, if they go off on their own for a little while and come back acting much drunker. It might be a sign that they are drinking more when nobody is watching. This is common behavior with addicts and can be indicative of alcohol abuse.

They Get Defensive

Another sign of alcoholism in a family member is if they get overly defensive about their drinking. While nobody likes to be put on the spot about their drinking habits, it shouldn’t create a huge amount of anxiety. However, if you notice that your friend or family member gets defensive or lashes out, it might be because they know the drinking is out of hand.

They Seem Out of Control

Everybody has had the experience of watching someone get completely out of control with their drinking. It’s uncomfortable but it does happen. However, if it becomes a regular occurrence, it might be another of the signs of alcoholism in a family member. If they often seem out of control or black out drunk, it’s probably a symptom of a larger problem.

Emotional or Physical Changes

Finally, one of the signs of alcoholism in a family member that you might notice right off the bat is if their personality changes. They might be moodier or grumpy all of the time. There might be signs of interpersonal relationship conflict. Addicts often have a lot of guilt and correspondingly lash out. You might also notice changes in sleeping patterns, changes in appetite, or physical symptoms like weight changes or medical issues.

If you notice signs of alcoholism in a family member, it’s important to acknowledge the problem and not sweep it under the rug. Things like drinking in private, getting defensive, being out of control, or having personality changes are red flags. Privately sit them down and ask if there is any reason to be concerned about their alcohol use. They might be reluctant to open up, but you can always let them know that you are there to support them when they feel ready. Hopefully, they’ll be honest with you and together you can work out a plan for getting them the help they need. You can look into treatment facilities, outpatient programs, or local support group meetings. Having you watching out for them might be the difference between recovery and a lifetime of addiction.