Two Kershaw, South Carolina men led Lancaster Police on a chase and ended up with heroin charges filed against them.  Deputies went to Small’s Food Center on North Matson Street in response to a call about a suspicious man ingressing and egressing from the store and hanging around the parking lot. When deputies walked up to the truck, the man who was driving sped away.  The report states that deputies immediately knew the man’s drivers license was suspended.

The truck sped into the woods where it hit several trees.  One of the men exited the vehicle, and deputies began a foot pursuit.  When the deputies yelled for the man to stop, he exclaimed “I can’t,” and just kept running.  The man was eventually brought down by the taser the deputies had, and syringes and a small bag of heroin were found.  Both men were charged with possession of heroin; one of the men was charged with resisting arrest.

Drugs can have a profound impact on the life of the person using.  Along with the actual treatment one should undergo, if found to suffer from drug addiction, it is important for that person to have appropriate legal counsel as well.  The law offices of Reeves, Aiken, & Hightower, LLP are here to work for you if you have been charged with a drug violation.  You can schedule a consultation with us by calling our Fort Mill, SC office at 803-548-4444, or toll-free at 877-374-5999.  We are here to help you through this difficult time in your life.