
Mecklenburg County’s police and fire departments responded to an acid spill at Emerald Chemical plant last Tuesday.

According to the investigative report, there was an improper mixture of chemicals used in conjunction with one another, that caused a chemical cloud; a very deadly combination which caused the accident.

The  West Mecklenburg Fire Department was the first organization to arrive on scene at about 9:00p.m. However, after seeing the amount of acid, the West Meck. Fire Department was forced to call the hazmat team at the Charlotte Fire Department. The hazmat team was able to have the acid cleaned up in a little over an hour.

Luckily, there was no one injured during the spill. Although, that is not always the case. Typically, when working with dangerous chemicals, employees must be overly cautious. However, there are times when even the most prudent employee can be injured on the job, through no fault of their own.

If you, or a loved one find themselves hurt while on the job, then please contact the workers’ compensation lawyers and let us evaluate your claim. Hard work should not be met by dangers and difficulties without the proper protection. Workers’ Compensation was designed to serve at that protection.  Call us today and speak directly with one of our lawyers at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free.