Placing blame when money is tight is one of the reasons why so many couples struggle with finances and eventually end up divorced. Money issues can be incredibly stressful for anybody, and in a marriage sometimes that stress causes partners to turn on one another. However, playing the blame game won’t help you with your money troubles, and it can hurt your marriage. More often than not, both parties are equally responsible for over-spending or failing to put away enough in savings. Instead of blaming one another, be open and transparent about money. Set goals as a team and look for creative ways to save costs. And finally, don’t dwell on the negative or you’ll wind up in a cycle of anxiety. Hopefully, you can tackle any financial struggles as a team and not allow money to come between you.

Avoiding Placing Blame When Money is Tight: Tackling Finances Together

Joint Accounts

One of the best ways to avoid placing blame when money is tight is to have joint accounts, or at least allow each other access to all accounts. Opening up the lines of communication will keep you both on the same page with finances. That way, you can spot areas where you each need to reign in spending. Make money a part of normal conversation so that neither of you are being secretive.

Set Goals Together

It can also help to set goals together when trying to avoid placing blame when money is tight. Look for areas of spending where you both struggle, and explore ways to cut back. By creating mutual goals for your money, you can work together as a team to reach them. Plan for things you’ll both enjoy, like home renovations or vacations. And don’t forget to put money away for emergencies and for your future.

Finding Creative Ways to Save Money

Together, you can also explore creative ways to make money and save money. Look through coupons and make a grocery list according to what items are on sale that week. Or find restaurants in your area that run deals throughout the week. You might investigate stay-at-home jobs like tutoring or delivery apps like Ubereats. Look through monthly subscriptions to see if there are any fees you can cut out.

Don’t Dwell on the Negative

Finally, if you find yourself placing blame when money is tight, it can help to try to keep a positive attitude. There might be times in your relationship where finances are strained, and others where you feel comfortable. Dwelling on money issues isn’t likely to fix any of them, and you’ll wind up stressing one another out. If talking about money creates anxiety or causes fights, don’t let it be a topic of conversation all of the time. Instead, set aside specific times where you’ll meet to discuss finances, and otherwise let the topic drop.

When money is tight in a marriage, it can create a lot of stress and anxiety. And unfortunately, it’s often a common trigger for break-ups. Avoiding placing blame when money is tight can be hugely beneficial to your relationship. There will probably be times where each of you rely on one another, whether it be financially or emotionally. Tackling finances as a team will help you become a stronger couple. Be honest and communicative about your financial health as a couple so that you’re each on the same page. Set mutual goals for saving money and for your future. Explore creative ways to make money and reign in spending, and don’t dwell on the negative. Instead, remember that you are bound to have ups and downs financially. Weathering the storm as a team will help you get through any financial hiccups as a couple.