Sep 25, 2012 | Personal Injury, Trucking/Tractor-Trailer Accidents, Uncategorized, Wrongful Death
The South Carolina Highway Patrol reports that a man was killed last month in a single-car accident, in which he was the passenger. The location of the accident was York, South Carolina.
The Troopers reported that the driver suddenly lost control of the truck and crashed it along Harrisburg Road, near McAlpine Circle. Both the driver and passenger were taken to the nearby hospital, but only the driver recovered. The passenger/victim sadly lost his life.
Currently, troopers are still investigating the accident.
The Rock Hill Wrongful Death Attorneys
In the State of South Carolina, wrongful death cases can arise from the following: fatal automobile accidents; bicycle and pedestrian accidents; trucking accidents; motorcycle accidents; nursing home abuse or neglect; and lastly, for on the job injuries.
The attorneys of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP, are experienced wrongful death accident lawyers. They know the intricacies involved in these cases. We welcome the opportunity to sit down and personally discuss your case. Call us today for a private consultation at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free. Hire the best wrongful death attorneys with whom you have the most confidence in.
Sep 25, 2012 | Car Accidents, Personal Injury, Uncategorized
A 27-year-old woman lost control of her car and was killed in a crash that occurred Friday morning in north Charlotte. The crash took place at approximately 7 a.m. at the intersection of East Sugar Creek Road and North Tryon Street.
The woman was driving a 2002 Toyota Highlander when she hit a curb, went up on the sidewalk and flipped several times before coming to a stop in a church yard. When her car began to flip across the intersection, the car hit three other vehicles.
Three other people suffered minor injuries during the wreck. The woman driver was pronounced dead on the scene at 7:21 a.m.
Speed is believed to be a factor in the crash.
Rock Hill Car Accident Attorneys
90 percent of licensed drivers speed at some point and a shocking 70 percent of licensed drivers admit to committing the offense regularly. As the speed of a vehicle increases, the risk of an accident and the force that could potentially be experienced by the human body in a collision increase exponentially. Traffic engineers and local governments generally use careful calculations and research in determining maximum speeds allowable for safe travel. It’s important to obey the speed limit and practice safe driving techniques for the safety of all travelers on our nation’s highways.
The South Carolina Car Accident Attorneys of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower understand that even most cautious drivers can be injured in a serious car accident no matter what time of day. When you or someone you love has been involved in a serious accident, our seasoned litigators can be there to assist you on your path to recovery. We can investigate all aspects of the accident and hold all parties accountable for your loss. Call us today and speak directly with one of our lawyers at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free. Hire the best accident attorneys with whom you and your loved ones can invest the most confidence.
Sep 24, 2012 | Brain Injury/Head Trauma, Car Accidents, Child Accidents, Personal Injury, Uncategorized
Last Thursday, a University of South Carolina sophomore was killed in a single-car collision off of Interstate 26, near Interstate 95.
According to the Coroner’s report, the 19-year-old student dies of blunt force trauma to the head, due to the impact of the crash. S.C. Highway Patrol investigators stated that the teenager was traveling eastbound, around mile marker 164, when her 1998 Mazda ran off the side of the road, subsequently striking a tree and catching on fire.
Interstate 26 had one lane shut down for upwards to five hours after the accident. This accident is currently still under investigation.
The Rock Hill Head Injury Attorneys
Closed head or traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an injury to the brain as a result of an accident or trauma. Nevertheless, injury victims who suffer serious brain trauma seldom fully recover and are often left with permanent injuries that will change their lives forever. And, even if they do recover, there are months, if not years, of painful and difficult rehabilitation. The medical treatment and bills are tremendous. And the toll on the entire family can be formidable
If you, or a loved one has suffered from any sort of traumatic brain injury due to a serious accident or trauma, please contact the head and brain injury attorneys at Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower, LLP. Please call us today and speak directly with one of our lawyers at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free. We are ready, willing, and able to hear your side of the story, and fight for the justice you and your family deserve.
Sep 24, 2012 | Car Accidents, Personal Injury, Uncategorized
Early on Saturday morning, two people were injured in a crash that occurred when a woman lost control of her car, took out a utility pole, and crashed into a tree.The crash happened at approximately 3:00 a.m. on Eastway Drive near the Plaza.
According to authorities, once the car came to a crashing halt, the woman driver got out of the car and ran. The woman driver was caught a short distance away.
Both the woman driver and the male passenger were hospitalized and are being treated for broken bones.
It is important to stay vigilant when it comes to driver safety. When taking the wheel, be sure that all seat belts, air bats and head restraints are in working order. If children are riding along. be sure that all child safety seats and restraints are properly installed. While driving, refrain from eating, texting, or fiddling with electrical equipment or other distractions.
Taking the right precautions can make the difference of life or death. However, even the most cautious of drivers can be involved in a serious accident. When you or someone you love has been involved in a serious accident, the Car Accident Attorneys of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower can be there to assist you on your path to recovery. We can investigate all aspects of the accident and hold all parties accountable for your loss. Call us today and speak directly with one of our lawyers at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free.
Sep 24, 2012 | Brain Injury/Head Trauma, Car Accidents, Personal Injury, Trucking/Tractor-Trailer Accidents, Uncategorized
On a Thursday afternoon this past May, two York County Sheriff’s Deputies were injured in serious car accident, that resulted in hospitalization for the police officers.
The accident took place on Interstate 77, shortly before 4:00 p.m., northbound of the Carowinds Blvd. exit, which rests right on the North and South Carolina State line. According to the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT), a flat-bed truck “stalled out” in the northbound lane. When the officers saw the truck, the turned their blue-lights on and pulled up behind the stranded motorists. It was at that moment that an SUV came barreling down the highway, striking the patrol car and both deputies.
Both deputies and the driver of the SUV had to be transported to the hospital. However, at this time, no injuries are suspected to be “life-threatening.”
Rock Hill Car Accident Attorneys
Our Police force should be applauded for keeping our roadways safe. That being said, we as drivers should return the favor, and always keep a watchful eye for the officer’s safety. When an officer pulls a driver over, then will typically walk up the left side of the vehicle, as that is where the driver is sitting. Thus, the officer is standing between the vehicle and the road, only a few feet from oncoming traffic. Please keep this is mind when travelling our roadways; always merge into another lane if possible, to ensure the officer is not met with injury.
We at Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower are ready, willing, and able to hear your case. Please contact us if you or your loved one has sustained a serious injury from a car accident. Call us for a detailed review of your case and best options. We can be reached at 803-548-4444 or toll-free 877-374-5999. Hire the best South Carolina car accident attorneyswith whom you have the most confidence in.
Sep 23, 2012 | Car Accidents, Personal Injury, Uncategorized
I-85 near uptown Charlotte was shut down during rush hour traffic on Thursday evening after a multi-car crash occurred that left several victims with life-threatening injuries.
The crash happened near W.T. Harris Boulevard when two red sedans and a silver sedan collided at approximately 5:30 p.m. At least 2 people had to be extracted from their vehicles and transported to a nearby hospital.
Congestion extended for six miles up to I-77, closing all four lanes at exit 45 in the University area.
All northbound lanes were open just before 8 p.m. that evening.
Charlotte Auto Accident Attorneys
Growing traffic congestion and generally being in a hurry is making driving to and from work more stressful, but frankly, more dangerous for the everyday American driver. You have to drive defensively, expect the unexpected, and always have an “escape” plan. Never get caught up in fast moving traffic, and give yourself plenty of room between your car and the one in front of you. Take your time. Get to work or home safe and sound.
The Accident Attorneys of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower understand that even the most cautious drivers can be injured or killed in a serious car accident. When you or someone you love has been involved in a serious accident, our seasoned litigators will be there to assist you on your path to recovery. We will investigate all aspects of your accident and hold all negligent parties accountable for your loss. Call us today and speak directly with one of our lawyers at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free. Hire the best accident attorneys in whom you have the most confidence.