A North Carolina man has been charged with driving under the influence and indecent exposure after police report that he urinated outsideSC DUI Attorney of the York Intermediate School last Monday afternoon.  The police arrived after a telephone call from a school resource officer, who reported that a man was standing outside of his gold Kia van urinating on the grassy field outside of the school.

When officers arrived, they found the 44-year-old Gastonia, North Carolina man inside of the van.  Police report that when they commanded the man to exit the car, he ignored such commands, and finally opened the car door.  Inside the vehicle, police found two cans of Bud Light and a can of Four Loko alcohol.

As the man was questioned by officers, he was reported to have slurred speech and was “swaying back and forth.”  The report further states that as the man was attempting to pull his wallet from his back pocket, he nearly toppled over.  After this activity took place, police administered a few breath-tests, and the man was thereafter arrested.  He was charged with violation of an open container law, indecent exposure, and DUI, and is being held at the York County Detention Center.

Police arrested Hensley, charging him with open container, indecent exposure and driving under the influence, according to his booking report. He is currently held at the York County Detention Center.

If you have been charged with a DUI or DUI related charge, call the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP at our Fort Mill, South Carolina office at 803-548-4444, or toll-free at 877-374-5999.