In late June, a Lancaster man died in the Richburg ATI Allvac plant.  The Chester County coroner’s office said the man died of asphyxiation at the ATI Allvac plant just after 9 p.m. Tuesday.

The area of the plant that the man died in was filled with super-cooled liquid nitrogen where temperatures can fall to 200 degrees below zero.  ATI Allvac hasn’t released any details of the accident, which is under investigation.  ATI Allvac mill produces alloys for the aerospace and medical industries.

Lancaster and Richburg are in Lancaster and Chester Counties respectively.

The Lancaster Accident Attorneys of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower

If you or someone you know has been injured or killed in any accident, you need the help of a serious accident attorney like those at Reeves, Aiken & Hightower.  Call us at 877-374-5999, or contact us at this link, to schedule a free, private consultation.  We can help you evaluate your claim and get you the recovery you deserve.