Recovery from drug or alcohol addiction can be a very long and difficult journey for many people. Trying pet therapy for addiction can be very useful for recovery for several reasons. Pets have been proven to boost your mood. Who can’t resist a happy dog’s boundless energy? In addition, pets instill a sense of responsibility for their owners which can be an important step in recovery. Pets have also been shown to increase self-confidence. And finally, a therapy pet is an excellent source of support when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed. If you’re struggling with addiction, consider adopting a therapy pet to help you with your recovery and provide a great source of happiness and fun in your life.

Using Pet Therapy for Addiction: The Many Benefits of a Therapy Pet

Improve Mood

One reason why pet therapy for addiction is so helpful is that pets improve our moods. Most people feel calmer in the presence of their therapy pets or even household pets. Some studies have shown that having pets present during therapy sessions allows patients to open up more fully to their doctor. Pets are cute, cuddly, and so loving. Just being around them can boost your mood and make you feel less stressed about recovery.

Instill Responsibility

Another reason why pet therapy for addiction is beneficial is that pets create a sense of responsibility for their owners. Taking care of another living thing is hard work. You have to be present for them every day and keep track of their schedule along with your own. Some addicts find that taking care of their pets is a big reason as to why they want to get sober. It’s hard to be a good pet parent if you’ve fallen off the wagon. Therefore, owning a pet might give you a further needed push to get clean.

Boost Self-Confidence

Pet therapy for addiction also boosts self-confidence. Being a good pet owner is incredibly rewarding. Pets show gratitude for even the smallest gestures, so you’ll feel great every time you show your pet some love. This feeling of achievement and goal-reaching can boost your self-confidence. Being a responsible pet owner is a big job, and doing it well should boost your self-worth.

Be a Source of Comfort

Finally, one final and obvious reason why pet therapy for addiction works so well is that pets are a great source of comfort. Battling addiction comes with a lot of struggles. You’ll have hard times when you’ll want to throw in the towel. But a comforting pet might just help you get through the hard times. Pets are sympathetic animals, and can usually sense when their owners are unhappy. They’ll probably try and comfort you when you are feeling overwhelmed. Even the very act of petting an animal has stress-reducing effects on the human brain. A pet can be a great source of comfort for anybody struggling with addiction.

Pet therapy for addiction has been successful for many people in recovery. Pets can become a huge and loving part of your life that will give you the strength to get through the struggles of recovery. Pets improve your mood and can be a great source of comfort when you are feeling down. In addition, they instill a lot of responsibility in their owners. Being a great pet owner can be a huge boost in your self-confidence. All of these things can help make getting sober easier for you. In addition to helping with your recovery, you might just find that your pet is a loving and fun companion for many years.