On November 12th of last year, an intoxicated female was driving the opposite way down Porter Road, when she slammed into another vehicle head-on.

istock-keys and red liquor

After the woman was apprehended, her BAC level was taken and incidentally registered at an astonishing 0.33, which if four times over the legal limit at an .08.

The accident caused all passengers to be immediately rushed to the Piedmont Medical Center with life-threatening injuries.

Specifically, one victim had to have metal rods secured by screws placed

in his legs and spine. He stated that he ” was unable to sit for more than an hour on end with out pain shooting down his spine and legs.”

The other occupant of the vehicle had to undergo six surgeries since November to have extensive repair done to everything from his arms to his hips. His foot may even have to be amputated.

This charge in South Carolina can carry up to 15 years jail time, but in this particular case, the woman was given only either years, then five years of probation instead.The female defendant was charged with a Felony DUI for the serious injuries she caused while drinking and driving.

If you have been charged with a Felony DUI in South Carolina, contact the law offices of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower, LLP toll-free at 877-374-5999 for more information on your options.