A 44-year old Rock Hill resident was killed while working at Marlboro High School in Bennettsville, NC.

Sadly, the man was a electriction, and lost his life when he was electrocuted when doing some regulatory mainteneice on the generators. It is unclear exaclty when the man was killed becuase he was not founf until Wednesday moring; leaving the possibility that he may have been electrocuted Tuesday night and stayed in the electrical room until morning.

The body was found by a fellow employee who enetered the electrical room to get some supplies. The man was working alone at the time of the accident, where it was reported that he was called to the the highschool to fix the generators.

The victim’s body has been sent to the Medical Univeristy og South carolina, whre an autopsy will be preformed and will provide more answers by Thursday afternoon.

When working with electrical work, employees must be extra cautious not to harm themselves. One should never participate or attempt a job that they have not been properly been trained in. Although it may seem easier to “fix it yourself,” when you are dealing with dangerous or hazerdous chemicals or items, it is always safer to call a “professional.” However, as seen in the above case, even professionals can be fatilly harmed by their trade.

Many Carolinians are injured everyday on the job. If you, or a loved one have been injured on the job, or you have lost a loved one due to a work-related accident, please call the wrongful death and workers’ compensation attorneys at Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower, LLP. Don’t wait one more day to get the justice you deserve. Call us today at 704-499-9000 or toll free at 877-374-5999 and speak with one of our attorneys directly.