DUI convictions can potentially be a very costly experience to a person being charged with such a crime.  The fine for a DUI charge can range from $400 to $6300.  However, in addition to the initial fine, other penalties can be tacked onto the charge.  These range from a license reinstatement fee to required counseling for substance abuse.  And, additionally, as if the salt has not sufficiently lodged itself into the wound, an insurance company will be required to provide the DMV with an SR-22 insurance certificate for three years, which will almost assuredly double or triple one’s insurance premiums.

In the state of South Carolina, when someone faces his or her first conviction for DUI, there is a variety of minimums with regard to alcohol levels.  These rank accordingly:

–          Blood Alcohol Content under .10

  • License suspension – 6 months;
  • Fine – $400.00;
  • Jail – 48 hours – 30 days; or
  • 48 hours of Community Service.

–          With B.A.C between .10 and .16

  • License suspension – 6 months;
  • Fine – $500.00;
  • Jail – 72 hours –30 days; or
  • 72 hours of community service

–          With a B.A.C. above .16

  • License Suspension – 6 months;
  • Fine – $1000.00;
  • Jail – 30 days – 90 days; or
  • 30 days of Community Service.

If you or a loved one face one of these rather steep DUI penalties, be sure to contact the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP to ensure your rights after a DUI are taken into proper account.  You can reach our Baxter Village office in Fort Mill, South Carolina at 803-548-4444, or toll free at 877-374-5999.