Rock Hill police officers were led on a foot pursuit of a suspected shoplifter as he fled from the Rock Hill Dollar General last Thursday.  The rock hill-old townpolice report indicates that the man was found with soap and underwear after an employee reported that a man wearing all black went into the store on Cherry Road with a blue bag and stuffed items within before leaving.

The employee, who filed the police report, stated that the accused shoplifter became defensive as he was walking to the front door of the store.  Before chase ensued, the man attempted to hand the items to a woman in the parking lot who immediately returned them to the store. Thereafter, the man bolted. The police chased the suspect through a parking lot; from the parking lot to a field; and, from the field into a residential neighborhood where the suspect was apprehended.    The 25-year-old man is being charged with his third shoplifting offense, which could potentially be a felony.

If you have been charged with a shoplifting or any other criminal offense in York County, Lancaster County, or Chester County, contact the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP at our Fort Mill, South Carolina office at 803-548-4444, or toll-free at 877-374-5999.