A Catawba, South Carolina woman was found with heroin and syringes in her purse hours before she was due to be in court.  This occurred afterrock hill 4 police were called to a Rolling Ridge Road home where a 22-year-old was suffering from an overdose.  The 21-year-old suspect was viewed by police attempting to help the other woman to her feet; and, thereafter she was taken to the hospital.

Police found that the woman was wanted by the state Department of Probation and Parole, and when officers searched the woman’s purse, they found a syringe filled with a clear liquid. The woman further asked officers not to arrest her because she was due in court in a few hours.  She was charged with possession of heroin; vials of anabolic steroids werealso later found in the house where the incident took place.

The court proceeding was in reference to an incident where the woman and her sister were found in a Rock Hill motel room using heroin and hydrocodone after she was accused of stealing a man’s gun while they were at his house.  And, if this is all is not enough, the woman also received a grand larceny charge two years ago; this is what put her on probation in the first place.

If you or a loved one has been charged with a criminal offense in North or South Carolina, contact the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP at our Charlotte, North Carolina office at 704-499-9000, or our South Carolina office at 803-548-4444.