If you, or someone you know, is facing the wrongful death of a friend or family member, you might be considering a wrongful death lawsuit to bring upon the guilty party. But, maybe you’ve heard of this type of case, but aren’t familiar with the in’s and out’s of it. So, we’re going to address just that. We’re going to explain what a wrongful death suit is. As well as who files, who receives compensation, and when it’s an applicable choice. If you’re considering a wrongful death lawsuit, it’s important that you understand it fully ahead of time.

Wrongful Death Lawsuit: Understanding the In’s and Out’s Before Filing

What is it?

This is a lawsuit brought against an at-fault party for the death of someone else due to negligence or intentional harm. A wrongful death suit will allow the estate, or the family, to file a lawsuit on their behalf. Ultimately, the suit is on part of the dead, towards the perpetrator, as a means of gaining compensation and a verdict for the affected parties.

When can you file a wrongful death suit?

You can file a wrongful death suit in a number of different circumstances as long as the injury was negligent or intentional. A few examples of reasons to bring this type of suit would be:

-Medical malpractice: Say, the doctor was drunk or he accidentally operates on the wrong body part.

-Car accident: In this instance, it could be a drunk driver, a hit and run, or a simple accident that resulted in loss of life.

-Murder: If you intentionally killed someone, that is an extremely viable time to bring a wrongful death suit against the guilty party.

What can you claim?

There are a few different categories that consider different losses that the survivors can receive compensation for. Some of those might be:

  • medical costs
  • pain and suffering
  • loss of income
  • funeral costs
  • emotional loss: such as the loss of a spouse, love, or the companionship they provided
  • loss of services that person could have provided

Ultimately, if you feel that you have a wrongful death on your hands, reach out to an attorney

If you’re considering a wrongful death suit, it’s important to speak with an attorney. Doing so beforehand will help to determine if you have a viable case. They’ll be able to guide you, and give you a better idea of what exactly you’re dealing with here. We wish you luck as you move forward with your wrongful death lawsuit, and offer our condolences for your loss.