Jan 5, 2025 | Accident prevention, Personal Injury
Figure skating is a beautiful, graceful, and challenging practice. However, when you’re getting started, the practice can be difficult, and even dangerous. If you consider all of the pieces involved in figure skating, such as skates, blades, hard ice, and cold muscles— it is easy to see how you might incur some figure skating injuries along the way…
Figure Skating Injuries: Ice Issues
When you begin a serious, competitive practice…
For anyone who begins figure skating, you know it can be pretty addicting. Many people hit the ice for the first time and never want to leave. For this reason, overuse injuries are quite common— and come in many different forms. From stress fractures, muscle pain, shin splints, lower back pain, and even simple blisters and irritation. While these are only a few common overuse injuries, there are plenty more that even the most seasoned figure skater can fall victim to.
You’ll likely be spending between 2-4 hours on the ice, plus 1-3 hours off the ice, to increase strength, flexibility, aerobics, choreography, and so forth. In short, you’re putting your body under a lot of stress in a new environment.
Your skates
When you start figure skating, you’ll likely get a new pair of skates. As anyone knows, breaking in new shoes can cause blisters, discomfort, and other issues. This problem is not just limited to your every day shoes. In fact, the discomfort you feel when breaking in new skates is practically tenfold. Furthermore, a poor fit can actually be dangerous.
New skates look nice, bright, and shiny. However, breaking them in can cause friction, rubbing, and pressure that makes skating successfully… difficult. Furthermore, an ill fit can affect alignment, your ability to jump and land properly, and to skate comfortably.
Smaller injuries
These types of figure skating injuries are common to all skaters. However, there are plenty of smaller injuries that are going to be more common to beginners. Take, for example, slips and falls on the ice. Ideally, you will be wearing some sort of padding in a training setting. However, even if you are, a nasty fall can be pretty painful. Furthermore, your body is cold, your muscles are likely tight, and taking a tumble could lead to concussion, sprains, soreness, bruises, or even catching another skate to the fingers.
Figure skating is a beautiful, yet dangerous sport…
However, there are plenty of ways to avoid injury. Figure skating can be a ton of fun, especially when you begin to see your hard work pay off. Therefore, follow these tips, find ways to decrease injury, and skate safe. Having a good instructor can make all the difference…
Dec 15, 2024 | Accident prevention, Car Accidents
Driving can already be stressful enough dealing with other drivers. However, you’ll also have to keep an eye out for wild animals too. Animal accidents can be quite scary, as well as costly. That’s why it’s important to know how you can avoid them in the first place…
Animal Accidents: How To Avoid Them
Learn the area
The first step in avoiding animal accidents is to learn what animals are in the area. This is especially important for when you travel. For example, maybe you like to do some fall travelling. However, fall can be a time where there’s more deer around, potentially resulting in more of them on the roads. Knowing this can help you stay alert when you do your driving.
As for your own nearby areas, try to learn the times and areas where animals appear to be the most active. Usually, many are active from dawn and dusk, but many animals are becoming more active at night too.
Not to mention, roads with woods on both sides tend to be popular crossings for animals. In turn, these areas are at a higher risk for animal accidents. Keep these in mind so you can spot some areas which might be popular with animals next time you drive.
Avoid distractions
Distracted driving already increases the risk of you getting into an accident with other drivers. So, it makes sense that it also increases the chances of you getting into animal accidents too. If your focus isn’t on the road, then you’ll be setting yourself for danger.
Many times, animals can quickly run out onto the road unannounced. That gives you just a few seconds to react. However, if you’re distracted, then you’ll end up with very little to no time to react. Therefore, increasing your chance of animal accidents. That’s why it’s best to avoid any distractions as best you can.
Watch your speed
Often times, the speed limit will be lower than usual in areas with heavy animal activity. It can be easy to brush these restrictions off and pay them no mind. However, that’s just setting yourself up for a potential animal accidents.
These restricted speed limits are put in place for good reason. Going slower will give you more time to react to any animals on the road. It’s better to temporarily go slower rather than get into an potentially-avoidable accident.
Oct 6, 2024 | Accident prevention, Motorcycle
Motorcycles are fun and enjoyable. They can double in fun and enjoyment with a passenger in tow. However, adding motorcycle passengers can be dangerous if the passenger does not properly handle the ride. Are you joining someone on a ride for the first time? Here are some tips to make a smooth ride for you and the rider.
Motorcycle Passengers: Useful Tips
Getting On and Off
For starters, motorcycle passengers are just that: passengers. Make sure the rider is on the bike first and ready for you to join. The rider should be stable with both feet on the ground. Use the footpegs to help. When getting off, make sure the rider knows your plans to do so! The change in weight can cause a rider to drop their bike.
Use them! Using the footpegs will keep your weight distributed between the pegs and the seat. This will make for a smoother, more stable ride. Also, remember you should never put your feet on the ground during a ride.
Motorcycle passengers should use the footpegs during the duration of the ride to maintain their safety. Additionally, there are hot exhaust pipes near the passenger seats of motorcycles. Using the footpegs will help you avoid touching those.
Proper Outfit
Safety-wise, wearing clothing that will cover and protect your skin is the best bet. Prepare yourself with proper safety equipment, such as a helmet, before going on a ride. But motorcycle passengers also have to watch out for their shoes. Untied shoelaces (and other loose pieces of clothing) can get caught on the chain or belt of the back of the bike. Ensure that nothing is hanging so nothing gets caught!
Lean With It
Some advice for handling motorcycles is “lean into the turn”. Motorcycle passengers shouldn’t lean too much, however. Leaning too much or unexpectedly can make it difficult for the rider to control the bike. Some advice for this is: look over the rider’s shoulder in the direction you are turning.
Lastly, and most importantly, operating a motorcycle is fun, as is being a passenger. Remember those motorcycle passengers have a responsibility to themselves and the rider to help create a safe riding environment. Have a fun and safe ride!
Sep 8, 2024 | Accident prevention, Motorcycle
For most people, an ideal motorcycle ride is when the sun is out and the weather is nice. However, as a motorcycle rider, there might be some times when you’ll have to ride in less-favorable conditions, like the rain. Rainy riding can be challenging, but also very doable…
Rainy Riding: Maintaining Safe Travels
Prepare your gear
Rainy riding means you’ll be facing a constant downpour, and at high speeds. That means that your usual riding gear might not be a good choice for keeping you dry and safe. Instead, you’ll want to get some specialty rain gear to help you handle these special rides.
You’ll want to get some gear that keeps you dry and your grip secure when rainy riding, while also being comfortable. Try to find a good balance between comfort and practicality. Give special attention to your visibility as well. Helmet visors tend to fog up in the rain, so investing in a special clear, anti-fog visor is a good idea.
Ride smoothly & smartly
When you ride in poor conditions, you’ll have to change how you handle your bike to stay safe. Riding faster or more aggressively in the rain will increase the risk of you getting into an accident. That’s why rainy riding involves going more smooth and making smart decisions.
For example, try to handle your throttle more gently than usual, making gradual changes rather than more drastic ones. Also, try to brake more gradually and give yourself plenty of breaking room. Slamming on the brakes while on a wet surface could result in them locking up, and then sending you and your bike into a slide. It’s better to give increased following distance to avoid these issues when rainy riding.
Watch intersections more closely
Intersections can already be quite risky for motorcycle riders. Rainy riding further increases the danger of these intersections. That’s why you should give all types of intersections special attention when the weather is less-than-ideal.
Approach these intersections slowly and cautiously. Keep an eye on other drivers around you, and don’t try to do anything risky like making a yellow light. When you’re stopped, take stock of the cars around you and who might be behind or beside you. It’s important to be aware of what’s going on around you so you can act accordingly.
Aug 25, 2024 | Accident prevention, Workers' Compensation
If you have a job on a construction site, or your job requires you to visit construction sites often, you need to be careful. Safety on construction sites is so important because these present more dangers than typical workspaces. A mishap in an office is often an annoyance. However, a mishap on a construction site could result in a serious injury. It’s important to have the proper equipment before you go to visit a construction site. Next, only necessary people should even be on a construction site in the first place. Training is really important to make sure that everybody is as safe as possible. And finally, and most importantly, being aware is the best way to prevent any sort of accidents. Construction sites can be dangerous if you are not careful, so be prepared before you even visit.
Safety on Construction Sites: Tips to Prevent Injuries and Accidents
Proper Equipment
Safety on construction sites starts with proper equipment. Before you even set foot onto one, you should have the correct safety gear. Most sites require hard hats anywhere you go to protect your head from falling debris. In addition, you might be required to wear eye protection like glasses or goggles or ear protection for loud noises. Finally, you should always wear the correct footwear before going to a construction site. You should have thick-soled work boots which will protect your feet if you step on a nail. They also will protect your ankles if the ground is uneven.
Restrict Access
You can keep safe on construction sites by making sure that only necessary people visit them. They are not open to the public, and you should always have permission before going to one. If your job requires you to visit them, make sure that you have somebody with you who knows the site well. They’ll be able to guide you away from dangerous areas. The fewer people on a construction site, the fewer possibilities for injury.
One way to ensure safety on construction sites is to make sure that everybody is properly trained on them. Anybody working the site should be aware of safety practices. And any visitors should be briefed before they visit the construction site as well. There are many training videos and professionals out there who can help your company with safety training. Anybody setting foot on the site should be properly aware of its dangers and how to avoid them.
Be Aware
Finally, the most important factor of safety on construction sites is to always be aware of your surroundings. Many construction site accidents happen when debris falls on workers below. If there is any scaffolding on the site and workers are up high, always be careful before walking under them. Also, be aware of any heavy equipment on the site. Drivers may not be able to see you as easily, and might not be able to hear you over the sound of their machinery. Any time you’re on a construction site you should be very aware of your surroundings at all times.
Safety on construction sites is very important. You can get a serious injury easily if you’re not careful. Safety starts with making sure everybody on the site is wearing the proper safety equipment. In addition, you should limit the number of people on a site at all times to only those who absolutely need to be there. Before anybody visits, make sure that they have proper training. And finally, make sure that you and everybody on the site are very aware at all times. Being aware of your surroundings is the best way to ensure that no accidents happen. Hopefully, with these safety tips, you’ll be able to ensure safety for yourself and any employees if your job takes place on a construction site or requires you to visit them.
Aug 11, 2024 | Accident prevention, Driver Safety
Riding electric scooters has become very popular in recent years. However, they can become a hazard on the road if riders are not practicing safe driving skills. It’s important to remember that you’re still on a road with other traffic moving quickly. Injuries can still happen and be quite dangerous. Always wear a helmet to protect your head in case of a crash. In addition, never ride while under the influence of alcohol. Stay focused while riding and be a good defensive driver. By keeping all of these tips in mind, you can keep yourself safer on the road on an electric scooter. You can also help protect other drivers and pedestrians around you.
Safety Tips for Riding Electric Scooters: Keep Yourself and Others Safe
Wear a Helmet
While it may not seem like the most fashionable accessory, a helmet is very important when riding electric scooters. Studies have shown that almost half of all injuries from scooters are head injuries. Concussions and brain damage can easily happen if you’re in an accident and don’t have a helmet. Make sure that your helmet properly fits your head as well and fasten it every time you ride.
Only Ride Sober
Another important safety tip for riding electric scooters is to never ride while under the influence of alcohol. You can even be charged with a DUI or DWI if you get caught driving drunk. It may seem like a good solution to scooter home from the bar when you’re too drunk to drive a car. But the truth is that if you’re sharing the road with other cars or pedestrians, you can be in as much danger on a scooter. You’re more likely to make sudden erratic movements when intoxicated, which can lead to accidents.
Stay Focused While Riding
It’s important to always stay focused while riding electric scooters. Never listen to music on headphones while driving one. It’s important to be able to hear the road noises around you. That way, you’ll be able to hear if a car is trying to signal you with a horn. Never ride with headphones on. In addition, it’s never safe to drive a scooter while texting on your phone. In fact, it’s best not to even be distracted by phone calls while riding.
Be a Good Defensive Driver
Finally, riding electric scooters relies on your being a good defensive driver. Just like driving a car, driving a scooter means that you need to anticipate the moves of other drivers on the road. Don’t assume that cars know how to navigate around you or know exactly where you should be riding. In addition, never dart on in front of cars. Making sudden movements can be more likely to result in an accident. And of course, always watch for traffic and pedestrians before turning onto a street.
Riding electric scooters can be a fun and economical way to get around your city. In addition, they might be better for the environment. However, it’s important to remember that you still are driving on a public road with other cars and pedestrians. You still need to follow the rules of the road as well as practice good defensive driving skills. Make sure you aren’t intoxicated or distracted while driving. And finally, always wear a helmet to protect your head in case of a collision. By being aware of safety tips for electric scooters you’ll keep yourself, pedestrians, and cars around you safer on the road.