Jul 16, 2023 | Accident prevention, Bicycling Accidents
Despite a recent decrease, biking still remains quite popular in America. Because of this, it’s important for drivers to know how to handle cyclist safety. Knowing how to properly share the road can make things safer for both you and the cyclists….
Cyclist Safety: How To Share The Road
Keep your eyes open
Bike riders can sometimes be hard to spot on the road. This is especially true if you’re trying to check for them in your mirrors. Due to the fact that they aren’t as big as cars, they can slip into your blind spots pretty easily. This is why a large part of cyclist safety is keeping an eye out for them.
Make sure to fully check behind and beside you when you’re turning or switching lanes. Also, pay extra attention at intersections or when parallel parking on the street. Double check that a cyclist isn’t coming when you open your car door too!
Reduce your speed
Of course, cyclists can’t go as fast as cars. This means that being stuck behind a bike rider is often a point of frustration for drivers. However, it’s important for proper cyclist safety that you slow down when approaching one on the road.
Slowing down when getting near a cyclist does two things. One, it lets the biker know they don’t have to worry about you potentially hitting them. The other thing it does is alert drivers behind you that there’s something they need to be aware about. This prevents them from trying to speed up or go around and potentially cause an accident.
Pass when appropriate
It’s important to think of cyclists as you would other drivers. That means you should only try to pass them when it’s safe to do so. Trying to quickly pass them can just cause huge risks for them, you, and other drivers. Make sure there is plenty of space between you and the cyclist before attempting to pass. If you’re on a two-lane road, make sure there aren’t any other cars coming down the opposite way as well. Additionally, pass cyclists slowly to avoid causing them to lose balance and to avoid accidentally clipping them. Cyclist safety should be a priority on the roadway for
Apr 10, 2018 | Bicycling Accidents
As the temperature rises, getting out and getting active becomes much easier. One means of getting a little exercise and sun, is by means of cycling. You can get your heart rate going, feel the wind on your skin, and get where you’re going at the same time. All in all, if you have the chance, cycling is a pretty good way to go. But, what you might not realize is, riding a bike has it’s own set of associated dangers. Cycling injuries can stem from a number of different circumstances, mostly depending on when, where, and how you ride. But the good news is, you can prevent a lot of those injuries from occurring.
Cycling Injuries and How to Treat Them
Lower Back Pain and Strain
You might not consider it, but cycling injuries can arise from staying on the bike. A crash isn’t the only way to leave the bike with pain. In all actuality, some of the worst pain comes from riding just how you’re supposed to. Think about it, you’re curled over the handlebars for fun. Add that to the fact that most of us spend our work day hunched over a computer, and the problem becomes much worse. It can impact your posture, and the development of chronic back pain. The key to treatment and prevention is mostly in stretching, and positioning yourself on the bike. Get a good, preventative and post-ride stretch in. Focus on your posture, and focus on positioning your seat and handlebars in a way that relieves pressure.
Impact or Crash Injury
These types of injuries occur, quite obviously, during a crash. Therefore, they mostly occur in cyclists who ride in a competition setting, in a metropolitan area, or on rough trails. Anywhere that you might make quick changes, avoid obstacles, or ride very closely to people. An impact, or crash, injury can be anything from bone breaks, to strains, and road rash. Any injury resulting from that impact. Treatment for these have a great range, being that they vary quite greatly. For road rash? Antiseptic creams and keeping it clean will do the trick. But, when it comes to more serious injury— seek a professional.
Saddle Sore
Cycling is tough on the bum, so, saddle sores are a strong possibility if you ride quite frequently. A saddle sore is mostly characteristic of a sore, raised area that arises on your backside. Saddle sore is not typically serious, just keep it clean and dry. To prevent it, consider finding some more well-fitted riding attire, a different bicycle seat, or a cream to reduce friction.
Oct 7, 2013 | Bicycling Accidents, Boating Accidents, Bus Accidents, Car Accidents, Uncategorized
The central idea behind the theory of negligence is that people must exercise reasonable care when they act (any activity from driving your car to laying asphalt). This takes into account the fact that
any act may cause the harm of another person. If an injured person proves that another person acted negligently, the action of which caused injury, the plaintiff may claim monetary damages.
Negligence cases are very fact specific, where the plaintiff has the burden of proving that the defendant’s accidental injury not only caused the harm, but was followed through in an unreasonable manner. Further, damages must be proven.
Now, where do we start? In South Carolina, the statute of limitations during which suit may be brought on the theory of negligence is three years. This means that if a period of three years has passed since the negligent act, suit may no longer be brought. Further, South Carolina uses the doctrine of modified comparative negligence to assign fault.
This system has two important aspects: (1) the injured party may recover only if he or she is less than 50 percent at fault; and (2) if the injured party was also negligent, the originally negligent party is only liable for the percentage of damages he or she caused.
Therefore, if the jury finds that a driver is 70 percent negligent and the other driver is 30 percent negligent, the person who is 30 percent negligent will collect 70 percent of his or her damages. Also, if either driver is more than 50 percent negligent, that driver will recover nothing.
If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident in South Carolina that may have been the result of someone’s negligence, contact the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP at 803-548-4444, or 877-374-5999.
Aug 14, 2013 | Bicycling Accidents, DUI & DWI, Uncategorized
A little after 8:00 p.m. on Monday night, two people were riding their bicycles down a South Carolina country road, when they were abruptly confronted by a speeding vehicle.
The 45-year-old defendant was traveling east on Bay Road, when he rammed his Honda sedan into two pedestrians riding on their bicycles. Afterwards, he left the scene of the crime and sped away.
The defendant was tracked down when eye witnesses reported the type of vehicle that they saw hit the cyclists and then sped away from.
The police were able to take the description of the defendant, in conjunction with the make and model of the vehicle, and tracked the defendant down in his home, where he was subsequently arrested and charged with Driving Under the Influence, and Leaving the Scene of an Accident. Both charges carry serious penalties in South Carolina.
The conditions of the cyclists have not yet been released at the time.
If you or someone you know has been injured in a similar accident, or charged with a DUI, contact the law offices of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower, LLP toll-free at 877-374-5999.
Jan 28, 2013 | Bicycling Accidents, Brain Injury/Head Trauma, Bus Accidents, Car Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Uncategorized, Wrongful Death
An Amtrak train had to make an unexpected and sudden stop on Sunday night. The train, which departed for Raleigh at 5:15 from near Charlotte, struck a man trespassing on the tracks.
The accident occurred just outside of Kannapolis in Concord, NC, according to Amtrak reports. Amtrak also stated that no passengers were harmed and the train was not damaged. Authorities are investigating the incident and attempting to find information as to what the man was doing on the tracks.
Any injury can have a devastating effect on a person’s financial and emotional well-being. If you or someone you know has been injured in a wreck or accident, contact the law offices of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower to consult with one of our personal injury attorneys. Our personal injury attorneys handle cases in North and South Carolina. Our personal injury attorneys understand the hardships that come with injury related to an accident. We are licensed in both North and South Carolina, where you can contact us at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free.
Dec 20, 2012 | Bicycling Accidents, Car Accidents, Uncategorized, Wrongful Death
A Myers Park High School student is dead after tragically being hit and killed while riding his bike to school Tuesday morning.
According to Charlotte Mecklenburg Police, the 14-year-old freshman was riding on the sidewalk when he lost control from swerving to avoid trashcans.
He was struck just before 7 a.m. on his morning ride to school by a US Foods Truck in the 2100 block of Sharon Lane near Providence road.
The young man was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident and died on the scene.
Friends and family visited the scene of the crash, leaving flowers and notes.
No charges are being filed against the truck driver.
In 1999 in the United States, there were 750 bicycling fatalities and 51,000 bicycles injuries resulting from traffic crashes. Sharing the road is a concept that needs to be honored by all road users, drivers and bicyclists alike. The fact that certain modes of transportation differ so greatly, however, demands that road users stay especially alert to what is happening around them at all times. If you or a loved on has been injured in a accident involving a bicyclist or otherwise, the competent Accident Attorneys of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower can be there to fight for your rights as you find your most successful path to recovery. Call today at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free.