Deadly Accident- Rock Hill Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

A 33-year-old Berkeley resident was killed last Sunday night in a horrible motorcycle accident involving another vehicle.

According to the Berkeley County Coroner’s report, the accident occurred near Highway 17A, right across from Mountain Pine Road. The Berkeley County Sheriff’s Department says that a jeep was making a left turn, when the motorcycle crashed into the vehicle. The victim was apparently not wearing a helmet, which added to the impact during the collision. The driver of the Jeep, however, was reported to have no injuries.

Currently, the case has been handed over to the South Carolina Highway Patrol, where they are investigating this deadly crash.

Safety is key and must always come first when travelling the roads. Specifically, where a motorcycle is involved, one must be extra cautious, as a motorcycle accident usually ends in fatality. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, there are a few helpful tips to ensure motorcycle safety:
  • Watch the no-zones, large blind spots on either side of trucks.
  • Always wear a helmet.
  • Drive to survive, keeping aware of everything on the road. Remember that all rules of the road apply to bikes as well as automobiles.
  • Inspect your bike and any protective gear before each ride.
  • Watch your speed. Motorcycles accelerate faster than any other vehicles and trucks and buses the slowest.

If, however, you or a loved one find yourself involved in a motorcycle collision of any sort, please contact the motorcycle accident attorneys at Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower. We understand that claim is very important, and are ready, willing, and able to hear your case. Please contact us at, or call us at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free.

Family Injured by Tractor on SC 324 in York County

Two Rock Hill residents were severely injured Monday morning after a tractor accident involving a power pole.  For the son, the injury ended in fatality, and the father was seriously burned.

The York County emergency officials state that the 31-year-old son was killed after the tractor collided with the power pole on S.C. Highway 324. The family reported that the fathered was burned, as he tried to push his only son out-of-the-way of the machine.

The father, a Vietnam veteran and Bronze Star recipient was flown to the burn center in Augusta, Georgia with burns to his arms, legs, and left side.

The is currently an investigation being conducted by Duke Energy into this matter.

The Wrongful Death Attorneys of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower

There is no greater loss than losing a loved one, but it is especially hard when you don’t have any warning. Someone else’s negligence can change your life forever in a fatal accident. We are experienced wrongful death attorneys and are here to help get you through this nightmare and find those answers. We represent and protect those left behind.We can investigate all aspects of the death and hold all parties accountable for your loss. Call us today and speak directly with one of our lawyers at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free.


11 Injured When Bus and Trailer Collide–Charlotte Tractor-Trailer Attorneys

Emergency responders rushed to the scene of a crash that occurred on Monday afternoon between a CATS bus and a tractor-trailer.The crash happened at the intersection of West Tyvola Road and Tyvola Centre Drive at approximately 3:30 p.m.

According to a spokesperson for CATS, the bus was making a routine stop when they were hit by the tractor-trailor in the rear.  The bus was hit so hard by the truck that it turned on its side.  There were 11 people on the bus during the crash.Nine people were transported to area hospitals, including the bus driver, all with non-life threatening injuries.

Police shut down the inbound and outbound lanes of Tyvola Road for several hours while they investigated the crash.

Charlotte Tractor-Trailer Accident Attorneys

Accidents in the U.S. involving large trucks killed 3,675 people and injured 80,000 in 2010.  A startling 276,000 large trucks were involved in traffic crashes that year.  Truck drivers transport mass quantities of goods and materials across the country and beyond.  With the U.S. being one of the worlds most powerful economies, there is seemingly no end in sight for the need for heavy trucks to carry out the demands of trade and distribution.  This reality, however, means that the every day driver shares the road with these mammoth vehicles.  Although truck drivers are required to have certain skills beyond that of the normal driver, risks associated with large trucks remain present and the threat of accidents looms nevertheless.

The Accident Attorneys of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower understand that even the best trained truck drivers on the road are sometimes involved in accidents, potentially causing serious injury or even death.  When someone you love has been killed in a serious accident involving a large truck or tractor trailer, our seasoned litigators can be there to assist you on your path to recovery.  We can investigate all aspects of the death and hold all parties accountable for your loss. Call us today and speak directly with one of our lawyers at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free.  Hire the best wrongful death attorneys with whom you and your loved ones can invest the most confidence.

Potentially Fatal Crash Involving Two Cars on I-77–Charlotte Car Wreck Attorney

Highway Patrol is investigating a potentially fatal car crash that happened on Interstate 77 on Tuesday night.

The crash occurred in the northbound lane of I-77, north of Harris Boulevard around 9:30 p.m.  Two vehicles were involved in the crash. According to officials on the scene, the driver of one of the vehicles jumped out and ran from the scene.

Officials suspect that alcohol may have played a role in the crash.

Charlotte Car Wreck Attorneys

Driving on interstate highways can be tricky and sometimes even intimidating.  Practicing safe driving on the interstate means paying attention to what’s happening around you and also driving in a predictable manner.  It is important to pay attention to and obey speed limits.  Keep at least a car’s length of space between your vehicle and the cars driving in front of you.  Do not tailgate.  When merging, be sure to check your blind spot by turning your head.  When you are in a construction zone, practice extra vigilance by adjusting to slower speed limits and watching for uneven pavement and other hazards.  Most importantly, stay calm and remember that the interstate is nothing more than one long road.

Whether you are driving through your neighborhood or across interstate lines, the Car Accident Attorneys of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower understand that even most cautious drivers can be injured in a serious car accident.  When you or someone you love has been involved in a serious accident, our seasoned litigators can be there to assist you on your path to recovery.  We can investigate all aspects of the accident and hold all parties accountable for your loss. Call us today and speak directly with one of our lawyers at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free.  

Man Dies after Knee-Boarding- Rock Hill Brain Injury Attorney

 A 19-year-old Rock Hill resident was seriously injured in a pair of knee-boarding accidents on our South Carolina lakes.Rock Hill’s The Herald reported that the victim suffered two separate head injuries via two separate accidents last weekend.The Coroner reports states that the victim fell and hit his head on the board while knee-boarding with some friends on Saturday and Lake Wylie. His friends stated that the victim felt some nausea, but then did not seek out medical help.

The following day, the same individual when knee-boarding a second time, and fell and hit his head again. There, he climbed into a friend’s boat and subsequently fainted. He was flown to the hospital, where he then had surgery, but never regained consciousness.

The victim was taken off life support Monday afternoon.

The South Carolina Brain Injury Attorneys

If you or someone you love has suffered from a brain injury due to any sort of serious accident, you need serious legal help.  At Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, we have the experience necessary to get the recovery you deserve, the best possible recovery.  Call us today at 877-374-5999. Let us evaluate your claim and get you the help that you deserve.


Two Injured Car Crash on I-77–Charlotte Car Accident Attorneys

Two people were injured in a crash involving three vehicles, one of which was a Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department cruiser Tuesday afternoon on Interstate 77.

The crash occurred near mile marker 12 on the northbound lanes of I-77 around 4 p.m.

An officer had stopped a white sedan on the shoulder when a black truck crashed into both the sedan and the patrol car.  Luckily, the officer was able to jump away from the wreck, suffering only an abrasion to his right forearm. According to officials the 36-year-old woman driving the black truck was charged with failure to reduce speed and failure to yield to a stopped emergency vehicle.

Two of four lanes were blocked as a result of the crash.  Backups extended up to the Clanton Road exit.

Two people were transported to the hospital for non-life threatening injuries.

Charlotte Car Accident Attorneys

With motor vehicle travel being the most common means of transportation in the U.S., it’s not surprising that motor vehicle crashes were the cause of 90 deaths per day in 2010.  In fact, an alarming 32,885 people were killed in the estimated 5,419,000 police reported motor-vehicle crashes that occurred that year.  There are precautions you can take, however, to help protect yourself and your family and to also help decrease the number of deaths and injuries on our nation’s highways.  Firstly, never drink and drive.  It’s always safer to call a cab or a friend.  Also, obey posted speed limits.  The faster you drive, the more you increase your risk of being involved in a crash.  Try to avoid distractions like eating, texting or fiddling with electronic devices.  Stay alert and never drive while you are feeling fatigued or drowsy.  Lastly, always be sure that you and all of your passengers are wearing a seat belt or are properly restrained before you begin your drive.

Taking the right precautions can make the difference of life or death.  However, even the most vigilant of drivers can be involved in a serious accident.  When you or someone you love has been involved in a serious accident, the Accident Attorneys of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower can be there to assist you on your path to recovery.  We can investigate all aspects of the accident and hold all parties accountable for your loss. Call us today and speak directly with one of our lawyers at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free.  Hire the best accident attorneys with whom you and your loved ones can invest the most confidence.