A vehicle crash can be very hectic. You have a list of things to accomplish, people to contact, and making sure you’re okay. When you’re involved in a motorcycle crash, all of these issues become much more serious. So, what comes first on the list? After checking for injury, collecting evidence should be next on the list. A motorcycle accident is almost always more serious than a passenger vehicle accident. So, taking this step on your own might be difficult. However, if you can, it’s imperative to your case.

Collecting Evidence after Motorcycle Crash: If You Can, Do So A.S.A.P.

After a motorcycle accident occurs, the pieces of evidence have to come together like a puzzle. One piece of the puzzle is determining fault. We hope the accident was no fault of your own, and in this scenario— let’s say that you were not at-fault, and also were capable of collecting evidence. Being that you are not at fault, having any piece of evidence that shows full or partial fault on part of the other party can make your case easier to win. You can hope for witnesses, but ultimately, the only way to ensure a good job— is to do it yourself.

What if I’m not sure who’s at fault?

If there is no solid evidence of whose fault it is, the case gets trickier to prove. Even the most experienced motorcycle accident/injury attorneys have difficulty proving the other party was wholly negligent when there is no strong evidence against them. This is primarily what makes evidence collection so important. Because these issues can arise, it’s important to share every detail with your attorney.

What steps should I take in an accident situation?

If by some bad luck, you find yourself in a motorcycle accident, there are a few things you can do to help collect evidence. After calling 911, take photos on your injuries, the road conditions, and the other vehicles involved. Next, get the names and phone numbers for all other parties and any witnesses. And finally, as soon as you can, write down everything you remember. Even the smallest details need to be written down while they are fresh in your memory. You never know what piece of evidence you might be hoarding away in those forgotten details.

There is no such thing as having too much evidence. The more you can remember, the easier it is for us to help you win your case. It is always better to have more than enough evidence, opposed to not enough.