If you are finally about to ride along with your significant other on their motorcycle, there are a few things you need to know. Being a good passenger in a vehicle is one thing, but on a motorcycle— it can be the difference between life and death. We are not telling you this as a means of intimidating you. Rather, to tell you why you should take it seriously. Riding along on the motorcycle, especially when you don’t have to be in control of it— is pretty exhilarating. But, before you go— we’re going to tell you how to be a good passenger.

Being a Good Passenger on a Motorcycle

First things first— get dressed in tight clothing

No, this ins’t so you’ll look great on the back of the bike. Loose clothing can be a big danger. As a passenger, your seat is right on top of a lot of the nitty gritty. I know, a skirt flowing in the wind is the kind of romantic you’d envisioned. But, that flowing fabric could get caught in a lot of different places. And, not to mention, you want a strong thick fabric just in case you happen to graze that exhaust pipe— it gets pretty hot down there.

Which brings us to this, watch out for the exhaust.

Your seat is right over top of that exhaust pipe. You can get some pretty severe burns from that stuff. So, keep your feet locked onto the rest. You don’t want to accidentally rub your leg up against this while you’re riding. I guarantee you’ll jerk it off— which can cause some pretty serious issues. Which brings us to this…

Do not make any sudden movements

You are part of a balancing act. Making any sudden movements can throw off the balance, and the driver. I don’t have to tell you how a loss of balance can be detrimental. If the driver isn’t expecting movement, they could lose control of the vehicle and end up in the roadway.

Communicate effectively

If you can’t communicate with each other, there is no possible way for you to be a good passenger. Communication is the key to riding together. If you two can’t get through a conversation without arguing, riding a bike together might not be your best bet. You need to be able to establish what you’re comfortable with. From what’s too fast, to how you tell the driver if you need to pull over, and the likes. Some helmets come equipped with bluetooth. If you have that luxury— great. But if you don’t, you’ll need to establish a system. Remember that you are a passenger, and you don’t have the normal protection of a car. So, listen to your driver. If they tell you to lean with them, lean— accommodate. As we’ve said, you’re part of the balancing act.