You may be looking at ways to make money while on workers comp. If you’re injured and unable to work, you will likely only receive two-thirds of your regular pay. Keep in mind, working a second job or a side-job could affect your benefits. Check with your policy and laws before deciding to proceed. 

Make Money While on Workers Comp: Ideas to Make Money

Sell Your Clutter

You can make money while on workers comp plus clean out your house at the same time. Platforms like eBay, Poshmark and Facebook Marketplace are a great place to cash in on things you are not using. Poshmark is more focused on clothing items, while eBay and Facebook Marketplace are for just about anything. 

Rent Out a Room

If you have a spare room in your home, and feel comfortable doing so, you could rent it out on Airbnb to make money while on workers comp. This works best if you live in or near a big city, or an attraction of some sort. Beaches, state or national parks, or other scenic areas are top spots for people to want to rent a room. Don’t forget to check the rules of where you live to make sure you are allowed to put your place on Airbnb.

Take Surveys

There are plenty of websites where you can take surveys for cash. This is an easy way to make some extra money while on workers comp while on your phone or computer. Surveys will range in length and pay, but there’s money to be made.

Become a Driver

With rideshares growing in popularity, you can become a driver to bring in extra money. Rideshare services like Lyft and Uber are options you can look into. These services have branched into food delivery as well, which will give another money making opportunity. Of course this is all dependent on what type of injury you have sustained. 


If you’re crafty, you could make extra money by selling items on Etsy. This site is great for arts and crafts. From jewelry to paintings, and handmade cards to sticker decals, there is a little bit of everything on Etsy.

If you need to make some extra money while on workers comp, there are plenty of options available. Your options may be limited due to the type of injury you have, and the rules surrounding your claim.