A strange turn of events took place in Florida after a drunk man fled from police.  The Police Station had been receiving complaints about an Blog-Handcuff and Jeansintoxicated man riding erratically around town, and they eventually went to investigate.  The twist to the story is that the man was not operating a motor vehicle; he was riding on the back of a horse.   Police located the man crossing a street, and the officer thereafter activated his lights attempting to pull the man over.

After instructing the man to dismount the horse, the man took off running from the officers while still on the horse.  The police continued to pursue the man with emergency lights on, but without sirens to prevent frightening the horse.  After about a half hour, the horse became exhausted, and thereafter the man took off running on foot.  He was finally captured by police, and charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and cruelty to animals.  However, he was not charged with DWI due to the fact that you cannot be charged with such a crime while riding on a horse.  The charge of DWI on a horse does not exist in North Carolina either due to the fact that a horse does not qualify as a vehicle according to the NC DWI statute.

If you or a loved one has been charged with DWI in North Carolina, contact the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP for a confidential consultation.  You can reach us by calling 704-499-9000, or toll-free at 877-374-5999.