Accidents come out of nowhere. One minute you’re working, or having fun with friends, and the next— you’re in pain. When recovering from an injury, healing is your number one priority. Therefore, a post-accident pain journal can be a consideration for documenting your injury, recovery, and any details surrounding your injury that might benefit your claim in the future.

Post-Accident Pain Journal: You Should Use One

What is it?

A post-accident pain journal is an informal record of your pain levels after an accident. It can be on the notes app on your phone or in a small notebook. Anything that’s easy for you to access when you have an onset of pain. There are also mobile apps and printable templates for you to use to journal.

What should I journal?

Anything regarding your health after an accident should ideally be journaled. Doctors visits, prescriptions and medications, and other symptoms should be logged in your post-accident pain journal. Anytime you have an ache or a strain from an injury you got during the accident, put it in there!

Who’s going to read it?

Keep in mind, a lot of people may be reviewing this. Your insurance company, doctors, and lawyers may all ask to see it. Also, your post-accident pain journal might also appear in court if necessary. Keep a neat, but detailed, log of your pain.

Why is it important?

You might have had a severe accident that you swear you’ll never forget. Or, it might’ve been on the smaller side with “not many details”. Either way, you need a post-accident pain journal. All the small details, even the ones you think might not matter, need to be included. Plus, it’s always better to have too much information than not enough!

Anything else?

Additionally, you should include conversations you have with anyone involved in the accident. After the accident, make a note of the officers you had contact with and the other involved parties, if applicable. Keep this handy, along with any other conversations you have regarding the accident. This could be with potential law representation or insurance companies. Keeping track of names, dates, and times will also be helpful in your post-accident pain journal. While these might not be pain related, they are details that are relevant to your case.