Protecting your drink from Rohypnol, or roofies, when out with friends can save you from a dangerous situation. Rohypnol and other drugs are known as “date rape” drugs because they can be put into drinks without the drinker being aware. They often act like muscle relaxers and make the victim drowsy or uninhibited. It’s important to know how to protect your drink from being tampered with. The way that you hold your drink can be a deterrent to would-be attackers. In addition, knowing what to drink and the safest way to drink can help protect you. And finally, really tasting your drink and being cautious if anything seems off is also important. Hopefully, you’ll never need to worry about a roofie, but it’s good to be aware of the best ways to protect yourself and your friends.

Protecting Your Drink from Rohypnol or Roofies

Holding Your Drink

Protecting your drink from Rohypnol starts with one basic rule. Always keep a hand on your drink. You never want to leave your drink out in the open unattended where anybody could come along and tamper with it. It’s also a good idea to cover it up by holding it with your hand across the top. If you lose sight of your drink, it’s best to simply order a new one so that you know it’s safe to drink.

What to Drink

Protecting your drink from Rohypnol is much easier if you watch the bartender pour it yourself. Never drink from large punch bowls or open containers at a party. It’s also best not to accept drinks from other people. Even though it is a kind gesture, accepting a drink from somebody you don’t know well can be very dangerous. If somebody offers to buy you a drink, accompany them to the bar so you can watch it being poured.

How to Drink

It’s also best to practice safe drinking practices for protecting your drink from Rohypnol. Sip your drink slowly instead of chugging it. If you drink it slowly, you’ll have more of a chance to notice if something feels off about how it’s affecting you. Sharing drinks is also not a good idea. Not only is it dangerous in terms of potential roofies, but it also spreads germs.

Tasting Your Drink

Finally, one last way of protecting your drink from Rohypnol is to pay close attention to how it looks and tastes. Roofies are odorless and tasteless, but other drugs might not be. If you notice any sort of unusual flavor in your drink, stop drinking it immediately and order a fresh one. In addition, if your drink looks cloudy, it could be a warning sign that there is something in it that shouldn’t be. And finally, if the drink seems to be affecting you in a way that you’re not expecting, stop drinking it immediately. It might have been tampered with.

Protecting your drink from Rohypnol and other “date rape” drugs is an important thing to know. It’s especially important for inexperienced drinkers in large party settings like college dorms. However, somebody can tamper with your drink anywhere. Never leave your drink unattended and try to keep a hand over the top at all times. Never accept drinks from strangers or drink from communal punch bowls. Sip slowly and don’t share drinks with anybody. And finally, if something looks, smells, tastes, or feels off about your beverage, stop drinking it immediately. Paying for an extra drink is well worth it to know that you are being safe and protecting yourself from a potential roofie or other drugs.