With Spring right around the corner, bikes which have been put away for the Winter can finally have their chance to shine again. However, before getting back out on the road, it’s important to perform some quick Spring maintenance. That way, you avoid running into issues when you’re out on that first joy ride of the season…

Spring Maintenance: What to Double-Check

Oil and filters

Proper Spring maintenance includes checking and replacing your fuel and oil supplies. Make sure that your oil still looks good, and add more or replace it if the levels or quality are not up to par. The same goes for your gas tank. If you have any leftover fuel from the Winter, it’s a good idea to drain it and run some fresh fuel through the lines.

Furthermore, your bike filters need a check too. When checking your oil and gas, check the filters as well. Your oil, fuel, and air filters are all important and work together to provide you with the best ride possible. 

Battery and plugs

Battery and spark plug checks are sometimes overlooked during Spring maintenance. Also, check your battery for residue buildup and if it has any charge. If your charge appears to be on the weaker side, try to give it a quick charge and work on getting a new one soon.

Spark plugs can be easy to check, but sometimes riders overthink them during their Spring maintenance. First, just pull out the plugs and check their condition. If they need replacement, just go for a plug that had a good reputation and fits your bike.

Chain, breaks and tires

Your chain, breaks, and tires all work together, so if one is in bad shape, they all can be impacted. For your chain, check for rust or breaks first. If it all looks good, give it a quick clean and apply some new lubricant. Then, most of your Spring maintenance is done.

Your last stop on Spring maintenance, is checking the breaks. As we all know, brake function is key to safety for any rider or driver. Check the break pads for wear, and replace the brake fluid with a new batch. For the tires, make sure they have the right amount of air in them. Give them a change as well if they’re a bit too worn out.

Spring is a great time to start riding again. Of course, you want to make sure your bike is still in working order after a Winter tucked away. Doing this Spring maintenance can help make sure your bike is ready for the many, many rides ahead.