Last Friday, a Rock Hill, SC woman was found unconscious in her car at Walmart after she allegedly “huffed” fumes from an aerosol can, as reported by police.  A Walmart employee called police and stated that around 5:30 p.m. the woman was passed out in her 2002 silver Pontiac Grand Prix which was still running.

The woman was charged with driving under the influence and unlawful use and possession of aromatic hydrocarbons after the police found a can of Ultra Duster clutched in the her left hand.  Officers reported that her eyes were glossy and bloodshot, and her pupils were dilated.  The police also found prescription pain pills in her purse as she searched for her driver’s license.

The officers report that they subjected the woman to three field sobriety tests which she allegedly failed.  She later admitted to recently leaving a drug rehabilitation facility for air-can use and prescription pain pills.

If you or someone you love has been charged with a SC DUI, DUAC, or BUI, you should call the experienced DUI attorneys of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower, LLP. In South Carolina, a person can also be charged with a DUI if they are found to be under the influence of a banned or controlled substance.  However, it is important that you know your rights.  Call us today and speak directly with one of our lawyers at 803-548-4444 or toll free at 877-374-5999.