You can typically sense an oncoming work zone. Traffic slows, orange signs are everywhere, and the loud noise. Work zones are a part of driving, but they also can pose a threat to unsuspecting drivers. When it comes to motorcyclists? The threat can increase tenfold. Think about it, work zones typically feature chaotic traffic, impatient drivers, people dodging in and out of lanes, and frequent stops. Navigating this on four wheels is hard enough, but two?

Work Zones and Motorcycle Accidents

At any rate, work zones require us to drive at slower speeds and adjust to new traffic patterns. On one hand, if cars cooperate and drive safe, everything is fine. On the other hand, if cars drive unsafely, it can end in a serious accident. When construction is taking place on the road or on the shoulder, there are signs in place to alert drivers. For riders, there is a lot more to focus on and, overall, distracted drivers and riders cause an increase in accidents.

Take for example, a work site where vehicles on the road must merge into one lane. If a motorcycle is unable to merge because a car is driving aggressively, it could have serious consequences. Moreover, if a car tailgates a rider in a work zone, they could easily rear end a rider— and I don’t have to tell you that being rear-ended on a motorcycle is more serious. No doubt, everyone wants to arrive to their destination safely, but many times when traffic piles up— drivers lose focus and gain irritation. Overall, this leads to increased incidents.

Practicing Safe Driving in Traffic

No matter the case, we must slow down and be cooperative when lanes begin to cramp up. While we all want to get to our destination as soon as possible, sometimes, the objective should be getting there. Period. Every driver has a responsibility to be a safe and reliable member of the roadway. So, riders and drivers alike, practice safe following distances, don’t weave in and out of lanes, allow motorcyclists and passenger vehicles to merge when they are required to do so. It’s very easy to get frustrated in traffic, but keeping a clear head can be the difference between making it safely, or not making it at all. Stay safe out there!