Most worker’s injuries that you come across are physical. A broken bone, a concussion, a bad slip… There are plenty of ways to receive an injury on the job. However, one means of injury, is illness that you contract on the job site. Just like a physical injury, workplace illness can look plenty of different ways. As many of you know, the flu has been running rampant in the Carolinas over the past few weeks. It seems like between the weather change, and kids getting back to school— most families can’t seem to catch a break. 

However, what you might not realize, is that schools are not the only place where illnesses spread like wildfire. In fact, work spaces are just as common. So, what can you do? Workplace illness prevention tactics are actually quite simple, and as an employee— or employer, there are plenty of things you can do to keep your workplace sick-free.

Workplace Illness Prevention Tactics: Fighting Flu Season 

Disinfect your spaces 

One of the most obvious steps you can take to prevent workplace illness, is to keep your spaces clean and disinfected. You’d be amazed how many germs can make their way into your workspace throughout the day. Shuffled papers, trips to the coffee maker, door knobs… No matter where you go, it is likely that someone with sickness has also been there at some point within the day or week. While this certainly heightens the risk of contracting a workplace illness— disinfecting those high-traffic areas can make a big difference. 

So, wipe down your desk, your keyboard, phone, even the communal coffee pot. Contributing the those spaces that you use, and share, goes a long way.  

Don’t take flu season lightly 

We all think that we’re immune to the sickness, and workplace illness, everyone else faces every year. However, many (or even most) of us find ourselves bedridden at the hands of that infamous ‘something going around’. The flu, along with those pesky colds we pass around, are highly contagious. In fact, a statistic published by the NORC stated that 41 percent of Americans have not, and will not, get a flu shot. Many claimed a lack of effectiveness, and nasty side effects which keep them from participating. 

However, when you’re working in group settings— you might be risking your own, or someone else’s, chance of contracting a workplace illness. 

Know your limits 

We all know how important it is to not miss work. However, the importance of not going to work when you’re sick— is also essential to understand. While we appreciate that you have a strong work ethic, consider the risk of workplace illness in doing so. Many of us have the capability to do some amount of work from our homes. So, if you are sick but still have the ability to work— consider asking your boss to be put on light duty, or remote work duty, until the illness passes.