Two Break-Ins Result in Breaking and Entering and Burglary Charges

Charlotte, North Carolina police say that a burglary suspect was apprehended in southwest Charlotte after a witness tipped them off with Blog-Handcuff and Jeansregard to a residential break-in.  Further, earlier in the week, a neighbor’s tip allowed Charlotte-Mecklenburg officers to arrest three teens in connection with a northwest Charlotte break-in.

Police report that a neighbor called 9-1-1 on Monday, stating that someone had smashed the window of a neighboring home, and then entered the house.  The witness was able to provide the police with a description of the suspect.

Officers were then able to apprehend a man that fit the witness’s description, as he was leaving a wooded area near the home.  Police were able to locate some of the neighbor’s property in the woods.  The man was charged with breaking and entering and larceny for this occurrence.

In North Carolina, a charge of burglary must take place at night.  If a burglary takes place during the day, the charge will be breaking and entering and larceny.  The elements of burglary are as follows: The (1) breaking and (2) entering, (3) of the dwelling of another, (4) at night, (5) with the intent to commit a felony or larceny therein.  This can be aggravated in NC if someone is present in the home at the time of the breaking and entering.

If you or a loved one has been charged with a theft crime, call us at our Charlotte, North Carolina office at 704-499-9000, or toll-free at 877-374-5999.

Two Arrested at Rock Hill Hotel on Drug Charges

Two people were arrested in Rock Hill after police report that they were in possession of heroin,Blog-Drug Charges marijuana, and drug paraphernalia while staying at a motel in Rock Hill.  Officers received an anonymous tip about possible drug activity in the second-floor room of the Quality Inn & Suites on Cherry Road. 

When officers arrived at the scene, they discovered the door partially open; and, after they knocked and announced themselves, a woman came to the door and reported that she was waiting for the man who was renting the room.  Police found heroin, marijuana, and used syringes.

When the man and woman who were staying in the room returned, the woman admitted to the heroin being hers; however, the man would admit to nothing.  Due to the fact that he let people use the room he was paying for to engage in drug activity, the police charged him with possession of marijuana. 

If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime in the northern region of South Carolina, give the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP a call at our Baxter Village office located in Fort Mill, South Carolina at 803-548-4444, or toll-free at 877-374-5999.

Two Rock Hill Men Arrested After Fight Outside of Bar

Two South Carolina men were arrested, one of them being held at Taser-point, after police allegedrock hill 3 that they attacked two bar employees outside of a Rock Hill club.  This occurred while the employees were taking out the trash.  The police noticed this fight at around 10:00 p.m., according to a Rock Hill Police Report.

Officers ordered that the men back away from the victims, and told them to place their hands on the patrol car.  One of the men has a girlfriend who worked in the club as a bartender, and he attacked one of the men because he suspected her of cheating on him with that man. Both men were thereafter charged with disorderly conduct and taken to jail, according to the report.

Call the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP if you or someone close to you has been charged with a criminal offense.  We have a former prosecutor, a former police officer, and attorneys with a combined 75 years of experience to aid in your case.  Call us at our Fort Mill, South Carolina office at 704-499-9000, or toll-free at 877-374-5999.

Truck Driver Charged with Death of Little Girl After He Passes Stopped School Bus

A truck driver from Sampson County, North Carolina has been charged with driving while impaired, involuntary manslaughter, and Tractor trailers on highwayseveral other charges after a hit-and-run that resulted in the death of a 7-year-old girl at a bus stop.  The man also faces felony charges for passing a school bus, felony hit-and-run, and driving while impaired while operating a commercial motor vehicle.

The man was operating a logging truck on U.S. Highway 421, when he passed a stopped school bus, struck the child, and continued to drive.  He works for a logging company near Autryville, NC about 30 miles away from the crash.  Further, the man has multiple drug convictions in the past, along with a 2008 DWI conviction, and arrests for possession of marijuana, drug paraphernalia, and possession of methamphetamine ingredients.

One of the major questions is why the trucking company allowed this man to operate logging vehicles when he was not fit to do so.  Investigators are looking into the company’s service record, and the past service record.

A charge with DWI will be handed out to commercial drivers if they register over a 0.04 on the breath-test they are issued.  It is a rule in North Carolina that there is a higher standard for commercial drivers and intoxicants within that person’s body.  Therefore, if a tragic accident occurs while a commercial driver has been consuming alcohol, they may be deemed intoxicated at a lower rate than others, thus increasing the potential sentence.

If you have a question regarding a pending DWI charge in North Carolina, call the law offices of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP.  You can reach our Charlotte office at 704-499-9000, or toll-free at 877-374-5999.

Rock Hill Driver Charged with Fourth DUI While on Scooter

Police in Rock Hill, South Carolina have arrested a man while he was riding on his scooter.  The Blog-Handcuff and Jeansman was thereafter issued his fourth DUI.

According to the Police Report, officers were at a red light at the intersection of Cherry Road and Oakland Avenue when they reported to have viewed a man on a scooter stop at the light, pass the white line, and then proceed to run through the red light.

The officers, who were sitting at the intersection, arrested the 26-year-old man, who informed them that he had just left from a Rock Hill bar.  The man was subsequently taken to Moss Justice Center where they registered his B.A.C. at 0.17, which is more than double the legal limit for adult drivers.

Here, the fact that the man was on a scooter does not affect his status as a DUI offender.  If someone is driving on the roads in South Carolina, while intoxicated, they will receive a DUI regardless of what they are driving or riding.  Therefore, it is imperative to attack the procedure surrounding the DUI, and whether the police were acting within the confines of the South Carolina DUI procedural rules.

For competent legal consultation, call the law offices of Reeves, Aiken, & Hightower, LLP.  We have defended many DUI cases, and understand the procedures surrounding such a charge.  You can reach our Baxter Village office located in Fort Mill, South Carolina at 803-548-4444, or toll-free at 877-374-5999.

South Carolina Councilman Charged with DUI

A York County, South Carolina Council member was arrested last week, and held at the Moss Justice Center after an incident that included an open bottle of Crown Royal found within his car.  The man allegedly registered over a .10 after breathing into the breath-test, according to the York County Sheriff’s report.  The next morning he was released on his own recognizance.

The incident took place around midnight when a York County Sheriff Deputy noticed a Toyota Corolla swerving several times as he traveled north on Chester Highway.  When the deputy pulled the man over, he found an open whiskey bottle in the man’s passenger seat, according to the report.

The man initially told the officer that he had consumed a couple of beers; however, when the bottle of whiskey was found the man stated rock hill 5that he may have consumed more than he had thought.  When he was administered field-sobriety tests, his speech was allegedly slurred, and he did not count correctly, according to the officer.  Further, his breath-test registered .03 over the legal limit.

The man stated that he was at an “after hours” event, had a couple of beers at the event, and then stated that he stopped to purchase a small bottle of liquor.  The man has no prior criminal history in South Carolina.  Further, he has recently lost his father, which is apparently the underlying cause of his drinking.

As we have stated in many previous blog pages, anybody is susceptible to a DUI charge.  It is difficult for one to judge just how much they have consumed; therefore, it is important to know your own limitations. If you do not know your limitations, you may end up with a DUI on your record.  At Reeves, Aiken & Hightower, LLP we recommend that you never drive after consuming any amount of alcohol just to be safe.  However, if you do, make sure you do so within the confines of your personal limitations, which is typically one or two drinks.

We handle DUI cases in South Carolina, and DWI cases in North Carolina.  Therefore, if you or a loved one has been charged in one of these states, schedule a consultation with us.  You can reach our Baxter Village office located in Fort Mill, South Carolina at 803-548-4444, or our Charlotte, North Carolina office at 704-499-9000.  Further you can contact us toll-free at 877-374-5999.  We will be pleased to assist you.