Sep 21, 2012 | Brain Injury/Head Trauma, Car Accidents, Personal Injury, Uncategorized, Wrongful Death
One person was hospitalized with life-threatening injuries after a crash that occurred on Wednesday on Interstate 485 in south Mecklenburg. According to N.C. Highway Patrol, the wreck was reported at approximately 1:40 p.m. on the inner loop of I-485 near mile marker 54.
It took firefighters an agonizing 20 minutes to rescue someone who had been trapped inside of a vehicle. Once extracted from the fiery car, the person was taken to Carolinas Medical Center for treatment.
The crash caused congestion between exits 51 and 57 up until almost 3:00 p.m.
Charlotte Closed Head Injury Attorneys
Motor vehicle travel has given the modern driver an endless number of advantages and conveniences to enhance our everyday lives. So it’s not surprising that motor vehicle travel is the most common means of transportation in the U.S. However, along with those conveniences, motor vehicle transportation also comes with its own set of disadvantages and risks. Traffic fatalities due to motor vehicle crashes takes its tragic position at the top of the list. In fact, motor vehicle accidents were the cause of an estimated 90 deaths each day in 2010. Moreover, a startling 32,885 people were killed in the approximately 5,419,000 police reported motor-vehicle crashes that occurred in that same year.
Taking the right precautions and driving defensively can literally mean the difference between life or death. However, even the most vigilant of drivers can become involved in a serious accident due to the negligence of other drivers on the road. If you or someone you love has been involved in a serious accident, the Accident Attorneys of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower can be there to assist you on your path to recovery. We thoroughly investigate all aspects of your accident and hold all responsible parties accountable for your loss. Call us today and speak directly with one of our experienced accident lawyers at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free.
Sep 21, 2012 | Car Accidents, Personal Injury, Uncategorized, Wrongful Death
In late July of this year, a Clover teen and resident lost her life the morning following a terrible car crash on S.C. 49. Moreover, three others were injured when the teen’s 1996 Infiniti hit a tree, and then overturned shortly after 1:30 a.m. All four teens were ejected from the vehicle;none of them were wearing a seat belt.
Investigative reports state that the 19-year-old driver was travelling north in S.C. 49, when he swerved the Infiniti onto the opposite side of the road, striking a tree.
Two of the passengers were taken to Piedmont Medical Center, with non-life threatening injuries. The other two passengers were seriously injured, and had to be flown to Carolina Medical Center in Charlotte. Sadly, one of those two passengers was pronounced dead shortly thereafter,
The Clover Wrongful Death Attorneys
According to, deaths in “head-on” collisions can be reduced by 26 percent for drivers who are wearing their seat belts and by 14 percent for the front seat passengers. Moreover, children under the age of 10 are at a 34 percent higher risk of death than their adult counterparts. Clover is full of rural roads that can be dim to travel at night. One should be extra cautious when travelling these country roads.
In the event that you or a loved one are involved in a serious accident that results in death, please contact the law offices of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower. Our litigators are experienced and knowledgable of the law, and will fight to get you the justice you deserve. Please visit or website at, or call us at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free. Hire the best Clover Wrongful Death Attorneys with whom can you place your trust in.
Sep 21, 2012 | Car Accidents, Personal Injury, Uncategorized
A Davidson College baseball coach was seriously injured in a crash that occurred Tuesday night after his van was struck from behind by a speeding driver on Interstate 77 north, near I-485 in Charlotte.
The crash was reported at approximately 9:20 p.m. According to reports, both vehicles went off the highway. The force of the crash sent the man’s van spinning around until it collided sideways with a tree. Two lanes were closed as Highway Patrol and medical rescue units responded to the crash. The drivers of each car were hospitalized.
The baseball coach who was driving the van suffered multiple injuries, including a broken leg and kneecap, broken ribs, a punctured lung, and cuts on his head. Authorities say that the man is stable and expected to recover.
According to reports, alcohol may have been a factor in the crash.
Davidson Car Accident Attorneys
Traffic collisions are an inevitable drawback to the many advantages brought about by modern transportation. But with motor vehicle travel being the number one means of transportation in the country, it’s not surprising that 32,885 people were killed in the estimated 5,419,000 police reported motor-vehicle crashes that occurred in 2010. Moreover, the tragic nature of motor vehicle collisions becomes especially prominent when accidents happen to loved ones and/or well-liked people in our communities. The reality is, accidents can happen at any time, any where and to anyone. So there is nothing more valuable than staying informed and taking every precaution to protect yourself and your family.
When you or someone you love has been involved in a serious accident, the Car Accident Attorneys of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower can be there to assist you on your path to recovery. We can investigate all aspects of the accident and hold all parties accountable for your loss. Call us today and speak directly with one of our lawyers at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free. Hire the best accident attorneys with whom you and your loved ones can invest the most confidence.
Sep 21, 2012 | Car Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury, Uncategorized
A crash that occurred on Saturday afternoon between a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and a car left a woman with a severe leg injury.
According to Highway Patrol Troopers on the scene, the accident happened at approximately 4:20 p.m. when both vehicles were traveling westbound toward Asheville on U.S. 74A where the road intersects with Interstate 40.
The driver of the car said that the motorcyclist pulled out in front of her and that she “had nowhere to go.” The motorcyclist was attempting a U-turn when she was struck by the right front side of the car.
According to the passenger of the car, the woman’s leg was completely severed as a result of the crash.
The woman motorcyclist was taken to Mission Hospital. Police could not confirm that the woman’s leg was severed, but did comment that the amount of blood and tissue on the road did give indications of a substantial injury.
Charlotte Motorcycle Accident Attorneys
Studies show that 46 percent of all motorcycle crashes happen at intersections. In fact, motorcycle fatalities accounted for 14 percent of all traffic fatalities, 16 percent of occupant fatalities, and 4 percent occupant injuries in the year 2010. For each vehicle mile traveled, motorcycles are approximately 30 times more likely to die in a traffic crash than passenger car occupants. Motorcycles can be enjoyable to ride, and an escape from the every day confines of the car. However, it’s no mystery that there is a lot less between the motorcyclist and the pavement. That’s why raising awareness and practicing extra vigilance around motorcycles is a significant concern for today’s transportation environment. If your planning a ride give your bike a once over and be sure that all lights, brakes, and signals are in working order. Be sure to check all oil and fuel levels. Position all mirrors correctly. Check the chain to see if it needs any lube or adjustments. Most importantly, be sure that you are wearing protective gear including a high-quality, well-fitting helmut, leather jacket and pants, non-slip gloves, and boots or sneakers that cover the entire foot and ankle.
If you or someone you love has been injured due to a serious motorcycle accident, call the Motorcycle Accident Attorneys of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower to discuss your recovery plan. We can investigate all aspects of a serious accident and hold all parties accountable for your loss. Call us today and speak directly with one of our lawyers at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free. Hire the best motorcycle accident attorneys with whom you have the most confidence in.
Sep 21, 2012 | Personal Injury, Uncategorized, Workers' Compensation
A man working at Marshall Steam Plant in Catawba County was trapped in a bulldozer at the plant Wednesday morning.
The emergency call was received around 6:15 a.m., where the authorities were told that the bulldozer fell in a hole where they put coal, and trapped the worker inside. Luckily, the emergency crews were able to lower down a ladder and free the worker, without the worker suffering any serious or life-threatening injuries.
In the event that the worker has been seriously hurt at while ” on the job,” he would have a valid workers compensation claim in the state of South Carolina.
The Rock Hill Workers’ Compensation Attorneys
After being injured at work, many of our clients are initially afraid of losing their jobs and are not sure if they even want to pursue a claim. In these difficult times, these are good people in tough financial situations that need help.
Attorney Robert J. Reeves has practiced workers’ compensation law for over 22 years and knows how to protect your rights as well as your job. As a former workers’ compensation insurance defense lawyer, he knows what a carrier needs to quickly evaluate your claim and get your benefits started.
Sep 21, 2012 | Car Accidents, Personal Injury, Uncategorized, Wrongful Death
Celebrity Amanda Bynes, from the WB’s ” What I like About You,” and the movie “Easy A'” has been charged with a hit-and-run, in connection with two separate traffic accident violations; one occurring in April, and the other in August of this year.
Apparently, the first incident took place on April 10, followed by the second on August 4th, where Bynes was charged for leaving the scene of two separate accidents, without providing the proper information. There is also suspicion that Bynes was intoxicated during the first traffic violation, which is probably why Bynes did not want to provide the requisite information.
According to Bynes’ Los Angeles attorney, the actress’ arraignment has been scheduled for September 27th. She had not yet pled guilty to either charge.
The Rock Hill Car Accident Attorneys
Each state statute is different in accordance with the laws of ” hit-and-run” accidents. Ms. Bynes has apparently violated that California statute, as she would have also violated South Carolina’s. Pursuant to our state’s statute, “the driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to or the death of a person immediately shall stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident or as close to it as possible. ”
He then shall return to and in every event shall remain at the scene of the accident until he has fulfilled the requirements given by state law.
If you or a loved one are involved in a hit-and-run accident, please contact the law office of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower. Litigation maybe the only way that you can recover the damages you have incurred.Please contact us at, or call us at 704-499-9000 or 877-374-5999 toll-free. Let us evaluate your claim for you.