Hand Sanitizer: Global Problems & Local Solutions

In desperate times, people around the world are rushing out in search of essential items such as food, water, toilet paper, and hand sanitizer. However, as people head out in mass to secure these items— we find ourselves facing a shortage. For people at higher risk of contracting COVID-19, the lack of available hand sanitizer in particular is threatening. From empty shelves, to a shockingly out-of-stock Amazon, and greedy price gougers— there doesn’t seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. However, a group of unlikely heroes is coming to the rescue: brewers and distillers. 

Hand Sanitizer Shortage: Alcohol Industry to the Rescue

International Efforts

Many makers are stepping up to finds way they can fight the hand sanitizer shortage around the world. One of the first companies to take this step was Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard is a French drinks group that specializes primarily in whiskeys and vodkas, among other types of alcohol. In fact, they are the company behind some well-known favorites— such as Jameson and Absolut. 

Last week, the TTB decided to allow for ethanol-based hand sanitizers. After they were given the green light companies such as Pernod Ricard and Diageo got to work. Diageo supplies Guinness, Captain Morgan, Smirnoff, as well as other popular alcohol options. Now that the gate is open, brewers and distillers are getting to work from Arkansas to Sweden and many other places in between. Many of these companies are making sanitizer on a larger scale to supply hospitals. However, many smaller businesses are focusing in on their local communities.

Statewide Efforts

Take Broad Branch Distiller in Winston Salem for example. Broad Branch has created ‘Whiskey Wash’. Whiskey Wash is a spray hand sanitizer made with a 65% alcohol solution. It is available for free in their tasting room where you can also pick up to-go’s. They are offering the product for free while asking for donations to the WS/FC School Buddy Fund. 

Local Efforts

Furthermore, Mecklenburg Co. faces the highest concentration of Coronavirus in the state. Because of this, Unknown Brewing is stepping up to the plate and using their facility to produce hand sanitizer. With 65% ethyl alcohol and essential oils, Good Hands hand sanitizer is available as of today in the taproom for free. Go pick up your Good Hands, your Over The Edge, and a pizza from their resident food truck Passport Dough & Co. They’re even offering combo deals for $20.

Communities coming together 

While this virus has not been kind to our community— it is giving us a valuable lesson in what it means to be a community. This time that has shown us the undesirable true colors of some (I’m looking at you, toilet paper hoarder). However, it has also shown us the many ways that local businesses and Charlotteans come together to support one another. From take out orders with 25% tips, to free delivery services, and employee relief funds… We are learning quickly how much Charlotte cares about the people who choose to spend their lives there. 

The people here at the Law Offices of Robert J. Reeves P.C. are asking you to stay home when possible. Furthermore, we ask that you sanitize your home, hands, and practice social distancing. The sooner we all listen to the CDC, the sooner life will get back to normal.

Stay home, stay safe, and we’ll see you on the other side. 

Defective Drugs: Cause and Liability

Every single person, thing, and technology, is subject to failure every now and then. While inconvenient, we expect that we will face issues every now and then. However, what about when that failure leads to injury or death? When it comes to defective drugs, such as over-the-counter or prescription medications, the side effects can be serious, and sometimes deadly. But what causes those failures? And what responsibility does the manufacturer have when you’ve been injured at their expense?

Defective Drugs: Cause and Liability

Most commonly, people reserve medications for when they’re not feeling 100% like themselves. Therefore, you’ll usually follow the guidelines provided on the bottle, or from your doctor. We assume that the medicine is reliable, safe, and we’ve been provided the proper instructions for taking it. So, when something unexpected happens, we have a few people in mind to blame. And when that resulting injury is serious, or a cause of death, the costs can be pretty high. From pain and suffering, to medical bills— who is responsible? In short, the manufacturer is responsible.

Manufacturer responsibility for defect

As a consumer of medication, whether prescription or over-the-counter, you assume that the medicine your taking is safe, and as it’s supposed to be. But when that’s not the case, and defective drugs hinder your way of life, it is 100% up to the manufacturer to take responsibility. There is the potential for receiving payment for medical bills, pain and suffering, and so forth. While a settlement of any kind will not fix, or change, what happened to you or your loved one— it can create financial ease while you deal with the aftermath. But, one of your first questions, will likely be: why? Why did this happen? And what was the cause?

Causes for Defectiveness

Defect in the product. One reason for defective drugs may be a defect within the makeup of the product. In some cases, it could be that manufacturers are using harmful chemicals that do not interact well with one another. While plenty of testing should warn against these issues, that is not always full proof. Furthermore, there could be a defect in the making of the drug.

Incomplete labeling. Another common cause of defective drugs is incomplete or insufficient labeling. In short, without proper labels, consumers don’t know what they are taking. Therefore, they have no knowledge of how their body may react to it, or how it may react with other foods and medication.

Insufficient warnings. Like incomplete labels, insufficient warnings can leave a consumer unaware of how to take their medicine. All medications should include a list of instructions informing people how to take the drugs. In addition, that list should also include warnings as to how not to take the medicine.

As we’ve said, no amount of money can make your pain and suffering go away. But, it can ease the financial burden of your healing. If you, or someone you know, has been the subject of defective drugs, urge them to reach out to a personal injury attorney today. After explaining the details of your product liability case, an experienced attorney will be able to help you find the right recourse. Lastly, you might not be the only person who has faced injury or death at the hands of that manufacturer. So, coming forward might just help to save someone else…

SC Man Found Dead After Working on Lawn Tractor

A 76-year-old man from Blacksburg SC has been found dead in his rock hill- orange treesyard, underneath his lawn tractor.

Construction equipment can be extremely dangerous to work on or operate for that matter. Witnesses stated however, that this particular gentleman had almost 4 decades of experience with equipment, and are still in shock over his accidental passing.

The Cherokee County Coroner has reported that the victim’s body was found underneath the tractor. It appeared as though the man had been attempting to remove the blade from the tractor hen the hoist holding up the weight of the tractor collapsed, and the tractor toppled over.

The man suffocated while he was pinned to the ground by the extremely heavy equipment.

The body was first found by a family member, hours after the man had passed away.

The death has officially been ruled an accident.

For more information on wrongful deaths and personal injuries, contact the law offices of Reeves, Aiken, and Hightower, LLP toll-free at 877-374-5999 today.

Mid-October Product Recall Update

Products are typically recalled when manufacturers recognize they have released products to the public that are likely to cause personal injury.  When you have been injured by a recalled product like a medical device, drug, or food containing an allergen or contaminant, you are very likely entitled to relief from the product’s manufacturer.  If you’ve been injured, contact our products liability attorneys immediately at 877-374-5999 or contact us at this link.  We can give you the help you need to be made whole after a product related  injury.  Below are products that have recently been recalled.


SC Supreme Court Looks at FDA Preemption-Contact Lens Attorney

In the recent South Carolina Supreme Court decision,Weston v. Kim’s Dollar Store, the Court gave a textual read to the federal statute expressly preempting certain drug and medical device torts.  In that case, a young lady bought a pair of color contacts without a prescription from Kim’s Dollar Store and shortly thereafter lost sight in one eye.  Blindness from a color contact; can you imagine?

The statute in question is as follows:

“[N]o State or political subdivision of a State may establish or continue with respect to a device intended for human use any requirement—
(1) which is different from, or in addition to, any requirement applicable under this chapter to the device, and
(2) which relates to the safety or effectiveness of the device or to any other matter included in a requirement applicable to the device under this chapter.

The Court basically ruled that the words stand for themselves, that any common law rule of tort that would be different from or would add to the federal drug laws is preempted, and not much further.  The application of this rule was sent down to the trial court.

Read the whole opinion below the fold.

South Carolina Contact Lens Attorneys

If you or someone you know has been injured by a contact lens or any other medical device, you need legal help as you may be entitled to recovery against the product’s manufacturer.  Call the product liability attorneys of Reeves, Aiken & Hightower at 877-374-5999 for that legal help.  We have the experience to get you the best result in your situation.


Product Recall Round-up – South Carolina Personal Injury Attorneys

Products are typically recalled when manufacturers recognize they have released products to the public that are likely to cause personal injury.  When you have been injured by a recalled product like a medical device, drug, or food containing an allergen or contaminant, you are very likely entitled to relief from the product’s manufacturer.  If you’ve been injured, contact our products liability attorneys immediately at 877-374-5999 or contact us at this link.  We can give you the help you need to be made whole after a product related  injury.  Below are products that have recently been recalled.
