Apr 9, 2021 | Work Injuries, Workers' Compensation
Like most things involving employment and the law, worker’s compensation benefits can come with a lot of questions. The worker’s comp questions that you have are probably the same questions that a lot of others have. If you have been injured or involved in an accident at work, we can help. Since each case is different, please consult an attorney for assistance regarding your particular case.
Worker’s Comp Questions: What People Are Asking
What should I do first?
After an accident, you should report it to your employer. In these cases, sooner is better. You must report this to your employer within the time frame your state allows. Additionally, you should report injuries as soon as they become apparent. Your employer should create an accident report. This report will help in your claim to benefits. As one of the most popular common worker’s comp questions, it’s important that employees know their rights.
Which doctor should I see?
Usually, your employer will have their own doctor that their insurance requires you to see. This is one of the common worker’s comp questions that has varying answers, however. The doctor you see for your worker’s compensation claim may vary by state, so do not just assume your normal doctor is the right one to see. Keep in mind, you may wish to gain a second opinion. In these cases, your regular doctor would work well however make sure you are documenting everything and consulting with a lawyer, as well as your employer.
I’m at fault. Now what?
Luckily, the whole point of worker’s compensation benefits is to protect the worker, no matter the fault. Common worker’s comp questions like this have conditions, however. You will be covered if you did not inflict the accident yourself. Also, accidents as the result of a drug or alcohol influence will not be covered.
What benefits will I get?
Lastly, this common worker’s comp question does not have a concrete answer. Depending on your situation, your state, and your employer, you benefits can vary. Also, your situation will dictate what kind of benefits are acceptable for you. The list of common worker’s comp questions goes on and on. It is easy for others to tell you what to do, but consult an attorney before taking any advice that may jeopardize your worker’s compensation claim. In summary, knowing what your benefits are, what you should do, and what you shouldn’t will help you on your journey to a successful worker’s compensation claim.
May 20, 2020 | Work Injuries, Workers' Compensation
Since 2014, fatal workplace injuries due to fires have been decreasing. This is in large part due to better workplace fire safety. Knowing what you can do in your workplace to prevent and handle fires can help keep you and your coworkers safe…
Workplace Fire Safety: Setting Safety Protocol
Watch for fire hazards
It’s important to be aware of potential fire hazards in the workplace. After all, good workplace fire safety means taking a proactive approach. However, different workplaces can have different fire hazards. Therefore, you should be aware of the unique hazards you might find. Common fire hazards include flammable liquids, gases, and high-heat equipment. Dusty workplaces also pose a fire risk, especially if you’re using tools that cause sparks. Even piles of papers and cardboard can be fire hazards due to them potentially being fuel if a fire breaks out.
Have fire extinguishers ready
If a fire does break out in the workplace, you need to know how to handle it. Smaller fires can potentially be put out with the use of a fire extinguisher. That’s why good fire extinguisher knowledge is key for workplace fire safety. You should know where your workplace keeps their fire extinguishers at all time. Additionally, make sure you know how to properly use the extinguishers as well. If you don’t feel confident, you can ask your supervisor to go over how to use them just in case.
Have an exit plan
If a fire breaks out that can’t be controlled by an extinguisher, then you need to have an exit plan. Know where the quickest exit routes are and follow them in the case of a fire. You should also have other routes memorized just in case your main route is inaccessible. Try to go over your emergency workplace fire safety plan with your supervisor. This will help you know where you need to go and what you should do when you get there.
Many workplaces will also have diagrams posted with exit routes as well for you to check. Good workplace fire safety is important for keeping you safe in case a fire breaks out. Remember that your safety is the priority. If the fire is out of hand, evacuate and let the professionals handle it.
Mar 11, 2020 | Work Injuries, Workers' Compensation
Depending on your job, You might find yourself having to lift and move objects during your shift. That means it’s especially important to know what the proper lifting techniques are. Not lifting properly could cause some problems for you now and in the future…
Proper Lifting: Keep Your Body Safe
Know your body’s limits
Even if you consider yourself to be pretty strong, everyone has their limits. Trying to work past these limits could open you up to an increased injury risk. That’s why proper lifting practices means knowing these limits and working around them.
The recommended maximum weight for a person to carry solo is about 50 pounds. Anything weighing more than this should be approached differently. For example, you can ask for some help from another co-worker. You can also make use of tools like forklifts, carts, or hand trucks to move those heavier items without straining yourself.
Technique is key
It’s also important to practice proper lifting techniques. Improper lifting techniques tend to be a major source of lifting-related injuries. The most common of these are back injuries and pain, which one-half of all working Americans have claimed to experience.
When lifting a heavy object, use your legs to lift instead of your back. This will help reduce the strain on your back. Lift straight up, and try to keep the object close at about the mid-chest level. Avoid twisting while lifting too, as this could shift the weight onto your sides and back.
Take breaks
Not only should you watch how you lift, but also how often you’re lifting. Constantly lifting and moving heavy objects can increase your injury risks even if you’re using proper lifting techniques. That’s why an important part of proper lifting is knowing when to take breaks.
Try to break your work into shorter segments rather than doing it all in one go. That will help your muscles not get fatigued as quickly. Also, try to rotate tasks between yourself and other employees, so you all are able to get a break in-between tasks. Once you’re able to take a break, try to do some stretches to keep your muscles loose so they won’t tense up once you get back to work.
May 1, 2019 | Work Injuries, Workers' Compensation
There are many different positions in the workforce which might lead to your requiring the use of scaffolding. Maybe you work in construction, architecture, window cleaning, or even painting. Whatever the profession, it’s important that scaffolding safety be used every step of the way. From construction, to removal, and everything in between— there is a danger to this workplace necessity. However, there are plenty of ways that you can combat it.
Scaffolding Safety: Avoiding Unnecessary Injury
It starts with construction…
As with anything safety-related, there should be a seasoned professional in charge of constructing the scaffolding you’ll be using for any job. When scaffolding isn’t built correctly, it might not be stable enough to hold there necessary weight, and you run the risk of a dangerous, or even deadly, collapse. Hire someone qualified to do the work, and remember to do your own research.
While you want a qualified person in the driver’s seat— you should be prepared to ask a few questions: what footing will you use? Are the planks strong enough to support the necessary weight? And lastly, will there be the necessary support wires and ropes to support heavy loads attached to the scaffolding? While a seasoned professional will obviously have all of these supplies and questions at the ready— you never can be too sure.
Workplace safety
Just as you want qualified professionals building the scaffolding, you also want professionals using them. Scaffolding is often a bit wobbly, regardless of sound construction. Furthermore, it can also be quite tight in terms of work space. Slip and fall injuries are a common risk associated with scaffolding, and that’s where safety comes in.
Avoid slipping hazards
Keep your scaffolding clear of obstructions and hazards, such as rain, ice, or slippery materials— such as paint. Furthermore, keep your tripping hazards in place, such as your tools. Work only under safe conditions. No high winds, no rain, and no distractions.
Safety equipment
Lastly, make sure you’re using the proper safety equipment when working on the scaffolding. From non-slip shoes, to safety harnesses, hard hats, — safety is the number one priority in any and all work environments.
Apr 19, 2019 | Work Injuries, Workers' Compensation
We mention it all the time, there are inherent risks in every profession. Furthermore, there are unique safety measures that need to be taken. However, today, we’re going to look at one profession in particular that comes with a unique set of risks… teaching. Teaching injuries can be brought on by a number of different circumstances. From unhealthy students, to slips and falls, a fight in the classroom, and even violent school invasions. In short, anything can happen. Therefore, you have to be prepared for what may come when you step into your classroom.
Teaching Injuries: Unexpected Classroom Accidents
Exposure to toxic materials
You might not think so, but a classroom can be quite the dangerous place. Take, for example, working in an old building. You know that your school building has been there since the ‘70s. Not to mention, you know that it has a certain smell. However, what you might not realize is that the strange smell is pointing to a bigger issue— mold. Toxic exposure in the classroom is not highly common. But, it can happen from time to time in a poorly maintained building. So, if you find yourself stationed in a classroom that has you worrying, ask an administrator to hire an inspector. Don’t add ‘treating teaching injuries’ to your long list of things to get accomplished.
Acts of violence
When you sign on to become a teacher, you have to acknowledge the inherent risk that comes along with it: acts of violence. According to the CDC, nearly 24% of students reported being in a physical fight on school property one or more times during a school year. Furthermore, the risk of school shootings is present now more than ever. Students getting into fights doesn’t always lead to teaching injuries. But, you are handling a dangerous task: breaking up the fight. Furthermore, school shootings are inherently rare— although we’ve seen more of them recently than in past years. However, if that time comes, you and your students are at risk of serious injury.
Work-induced stress
As a teacher, you have many roles to fall into on a daily basis. You are an educator, mentor, role model, babysitter, therapist, nurse, security guard, and a figurehead. You have to take on mental health in your students, make sure they have the resources they need, make sure they’re learning, and also watch for signs of abuse, hunger, neglect, and the like. In short, a teacher has the responsibility of 10-30 kids on a daily basis. You are a caretaker, and an educator. That is no small feat. Therefore, among all teaching injuries, work-induced stress is the most common one out there. You often face overcrowded classrooms, underfunded materials, a lack of support on part of administrators, and frustrated kids.
Teaching is not easy
In short, there’s nothing easy about being a teacher. From the beginning of your day, to the very end— you take on a number of different roles, all of which can be extremely stressful. Teaching injuries can be physical, mental, or emotional— and each one is quite difficult to face. We commend our educators, and encourage them to take a moment here and there for themselves.
Apr 16, 2019 | Work Injuries, Workers' Compensation
Accidents are bound to happen in the workplace. However, if there is anything we can do as managers, business owners, or shift leaders— it is to reduce those incidents. Ultimately, accident prevention begins with workplace safety, and accountability. So, what can we do to encourage these things amongst our employees?
Accountability in Workplace Safety: Avoiding Injuries
Start with proper training
The most important step in inspiring accountability in your employees is to give them the tools to do so beforehand. When you bring on new hires, make sure they are receiving proper workplace safety training. Furthermore, use it as an opportunity to refresh your current employees on what it means to be safe.
Ask for their opinion
No one knows what’s happening on the floor better than the people who spend their day-to-day lives there. So, ask for their help in deciding what safety protocols are necessary, unnecessary, and also what might be missing in terms of safety protocol. When they have a hand in implementing changes, they will feel more accountable in terms of honoring them. Every employee needs to feel valued in order to value their work. So, use your employee’s point of view as a means of giving them that feeling, and also as a means of bettering the workplace. By doing so, you’ll improve your employee’s accountability.
Don’t call one person out for doing something wrong, as this can hinder accountability and alienate your employees. Chances are if one person is using the poor protocol— they aren’t the only one. Use these instances of poor performance as a means of addressing the whole group. Don’t call one person out for handling boxes poorly. Instead, host a meeting where you review what is going wrong— and urge your employees to self-correct. Start here, and move forward as necessary in terms of addressing the issue.
Incentivize proper protocol and milestones
Let’s face it: we care about our employees and want them to be healthy and safe. However, we can’t deny the appeal of meeting a safety milestone. 90 days accident-free means healthy employees and fewer costly claims. So, every 90 days without an accident— consider hosting a breakfast, a happy hour, or letting everyone head home an hour early for the day. There are small ways to encourage accountability in your employees, and giving them something to look forward to is a great way to do that.