Coronavirus: Staying Healthy at Work

The Coronavirus has been plaguing the U.S. for a few weeks now and many of us have been provided with the luxury of working from our own respective corners. However, not everyone has been so lucky. In fact, many businesses are struggling to find ways to compensate their employees, or allow them to work remotely when business doesn’t typically allow. Therefore, you might find yourself still going to work everyday amidst a pandemic. So, what steps can you take to protect yourself? Every job is different, as are the levels of exposure you face. But, there are a few steps you can take to protect yourself when your employer might not be able to. 

Coronavirus: Protection in the Workplace 

Keeping your distance 

The first, and most obvious, step in reducing risk of Coronavirus is to place distance between employees. For example, if you are working in an open office, maintain the 6 foot distancing from each employee that has been suggested by the CDC. Furthermore, as an employer, consider reducing the number of staff you have working in the office. There are likely duties that can be performed remotely. Whether it be answering phones, taking reservations or replying to emails— allow someone to take that responsibility home. The key during this difficult times is to find ways own which you can still utilize, and therefore pay, your employees. 

Routine Cleaning

Second of all, cleanings are vital for reducing the risk of spread. While this is a step you should always take within the work space, this is a time to pay extra mind to doing so. You might have someone who does weekly cleanings on a regular basis, but during the Coronavirus outbreak— consider nightly cleanings. Doorknobs, coffee pots, desk spaces, bathrooms… High-traffic areas are at the highest risk. When you are forced to keep people working, sanitized spaces can go a long way in terms of keeping your employees safe and healthy. 

Reducing Non-Essential Staff

A key to creating that distance we discussed is to reduce non-essential staff within the workplace. Whether they are working from home or on leave— reducing risk of coronavirus comes down to reducing human contact. Furthermore, if you are able to eliminate contact altogether while still paying your staff— this is the ultimate goal. Not to mention, your higher risk staff should be a priority at this time. Whether they are older, immunocompromised, or fall into the other risk categories— as an employer, you have an ethical responsibility to your workers. 

At the end of the day, the Coronavirus has put both employees and employers into a tough situation. As employers, we want to be able to do right by our employees both financially and in keeping them safe. As employees, we want the same thing but it is a little more uncertain from our end. For now, the best thing we can do is to plan our budget and to be mindful of how often we venture out of the house.

Runaway Ramps: Truck Driving Safety

A CDL endorsement provides truck drivers with a specific license that allows them to drive a semi-truck. Furthermore, it ensures that they’re up to the task. While driving through the mountains remains a breeze for some people, accidents are still likely to happen on occasion. Due to the fact that semi-truck accidents offer more consequences than a two car accident might, there are runaway ramps alongside mountain ranges.

Runaway Ramps: A Life-Saving Tool

No doubt, just like all vehicles, semi-trucks can lose control. However, when this happens, it causes a bit more chaos than your average incident. We all want to keep ourselves and others from injury on the roadway. However, we know that accidents happen. 

Anyone who has driven a tractor trailer knowsthat a runaway ramp is there for emergencies only. In fact, the danger of runaway ramps can often lead endangered drivers to avoid them at all costs. Most runaway ramps look quite similar. A steep incline of dirt, speed bumps, and caution signs to alert drivers of it’s purpose. 

What happens when 18 wheelers lose control? 

When a semi-truck cannot stop in time, everyone on the road is in danger. Because semi-trucks are quite large, an accident can cause issue on both sides of the road. Brakes fail, a truck is moving at full speed, and next thing you know— you’re part of a massive collision. This is where those runaway ramps come in. 

As any truck driver knows, runaway ramps are notsomething to use lightly. In fact, they will ruin a vehicle, potentially cause injury to the driver, and lead to one stranded, injured driver. Runaway ramps are a safety feature that should only be used in dire circumstances. However, when needed, they can be a life-saving tool. 

A Life-Saving Tool

While we warn against the potential impact of runaway ramps, please understand that they could be the thing that saves your life as a truck driver. When your vehicle’s brakes go out— you have to figure out a means of saving yourself, and also those around you. In this case, a runaway ramp might be your only option. And in that scenario, you’re saving yourself and countless others from danger. 

Christmas Tree Fires: Avoid this Common Tragedy

A Christmas tree is a symbol of holiday spirit, and style, when the season comes around. People flock to tree farms in the mountains, Lowe’s garden section, and even just to your everyday grocery— and pick their perfect tree. We string up lights, hang ornaments, put presents below, and top it all off with a shiny star. While we take pride in our holiday cheer, and display it for all to see— our trees also have the potential of leading to Christmas tree fires. These are unfortunately quite common, there are also a few steps we can all take to prevent them. That’s where we come in… Below, you’ll find a guide to avoiding Christmas tree fires, and keeping your holiday safe, sound, and jolly… 

Christmas Tree Fires: How to Avoid Emergency During the Holiday 

Pick your tree methodically 

When choosing a tree, assuming you get a real tree, keep an eye out for a few different things… For one, make sure the needles are fresh, bright green, and don’t fall off easily. Needles that aren’t well intact point to a tree that is drying out. You know your tree is going to stand for at least a week, if not a few. Therefore, finding the freshest tree possible will go a long way in preventing potential Christmas tree fires. 

Water your tree

Many people don’t consider the upkeep that comes along with having a real tree. But, watering them is absolutely one of those steps. The biggest key to keeping a tree safe, and accident-free, is to keep it moisturized. While accidents inevitably happen, a very dry, brittle tree is much more likely to go up in flames— and fast. So, when putting up your tree, add a few inches of water into the stand. Furthermore, refresh that water around once a week. 

Watch the placement 

When deciding where to put your tree, consider the heat sources within your house. If you have a fireplace, radiator, wood burning stove, or something of the sort— make sure to place your tree at least three feet away from those hot spots. Preventing Christmas tree fires may come down to where you put your tree. Furthermore, make sure that tree isn’t blocking any essential exit point for your house. That way, if you find yourself plagued with a fire of any kind, your Christmas tree isn’t hindering your safety plan. 

Wrongful Death Lawsuit: Understanding Before Filing

If you, or someone you know, is facing the wrongful death of a friend or family member, you might be considering a wrongful death lawsuit to bring upon the guilty party. But, maybe you’ve heard of this type of case, but aren’t familiar with the in’s and out’s of it. So, we’re going to address just that. We’re going to explain what a wrongful death suit is. As well as who files, who receives compensation, and when it’s an applicable choice. If you’re considering a wrongful death lawsuit, it’s important that you understand it fully ahead of time.

Wrongful Death Lawsuit: Understanding the In’s and Out’s Before Filing

What is it?

This is a lawsuit brought against an at-fault party for the death of someone else due to negligence or intentional harm. A wrongful death suit will allow the estate, or the family, to file a lawsuit on their behalf. Ultimately, the suit is on part of the dead, towards the perpetrator, as a means of gaining compensation and a verdict for the affected parties.

When can you file a wrongful death suit?

You can file a wrongful death suit in a number of different circumstances as long as the injury was negligent or intentional. A few examples of reasons to bring this type of suit would be:

-Medical malpractice: Say, the doctor was drunk or he accidentally operates on the wrong body part.

-Car accident: In this instance, it could be a drunk driver, a hit and run, or a simple accident that resulted in loss of life.

-Murder: If you intentionally killed someone, that is an extremely viable time to bring a wrongful death suit against the guilty party.

What can you claim?

There are a few different categories that consider different losses that the survivors can receive compensation for. Some of those might be:

  • medical costs
  • pain and suffering
  • loss of income
  • funeral costs
  • emotional loss: such as the loss of a spouse, love, or the companionship they provided
  • loss of services that person could have provided

Ultimately, if you feel that you have a wrongful death on your hands, reach out to an attorney

If you’re considering a wrongful death suit, it’s important to speak with an attorney. Doing so beforehand will help to determine if you have a viable case. They’ll be able to guide you, and give you a better idea of what exactly you’re dealing with here. We wish you luck as you move forward with your wrongful death lawsuit, and offer our condolences for your loss.

Self-Driving Cars and Accidents | Rock Hill Personal Injury Attorneys

Self-Driving Cars and Accidents | Rock Hill Personal Injury Attorneys

Because of continued changes in technology, the latest craze is all about self-driving cars. Predictably, the experts say the end of driving by humans is near. And of course there will be no more accidents. But just how realistic are either of these most recent tales of the future?

So Will Self-Driving Cars End All Accidents

Not surprisingly, distracted driving remains the main cause of fatal car accidents. Because 90% of accidents result from human error, self-driving cars could potentially solve this problem. However, driving habits take time to change. In addition, young drivers want the freedom and thrill of actually driving. So do some of us older folks.

Here is the problem. As long as both self-driving and human-driven cars on the road, the problem will continue. Hence, the human factor is still there. Maybe there will be fewer crashes based on more self-driving cars. Only time will tell.

Other Safety Issues

While car driving may be safer, what if passengers feel safer and stop using their seat belts? In addition, pedestrians may rely on safety technology and take more chances. After all, they think the vehicle’s computers will stop the car and save them. Like I taught my children when they started driving, trust your own instincts. And always give yourself plenty of time and room in case something on the car fails. Hence the emphasis on mechanical failure. Regardless, this issue will be litigated and regulated because this generation is used to driving on their own. After all, people also did not like mandatory seat belt or child car seat laws. Yet now we know these changes have saved countless lives.

While the future may be bright, we are still on guard for now. So if a human behind the wheel causes you harm, call us for help. While we hope you never need our services, we will be there if you do. You have our word, and we have your back.

Decubitus Ulcers Bedsores | Preventable But Deadly

Bedsores or Decubitus Ulcers Are Always Preventable If Proper Care is Given Graveyard

As a former Registered Nurse (RN), attorney Robert J. Reeves used to treat patients in the Intensive Care Unit who were clinging to life from a Stage IV decubitus ulcer or bedsore. This is a critical care situation where there is massive tissue, muscle, and even bone loss. After bedsore begins, immediate and aggressive treatment must be undertaken to prevent more damage from blocked circulation and resulting infection. If the infection gets into the person’s bloodstream, they become “septic” and will die if the infection cannot be controlled and then reversed.

The body suffers extremely high fevers, and the immune system is overwhelmed by infection. Blood cultures are drawn repeatedly, and massive doses of antibiotics are given to try and save the patient’s life. So how does such a life-threatening condition begin? It starts when an immobile or bedridden person is not given proper hydration and nutrition and is not turned properly to prevent bedsores from forming.

In most situations, we see nursing home residents and patients with head injury or paraplegia cases. In elderly patients, inattentive care by staff can allow residents to become malnourished and dehydrated which sets up a perfect scenario for bedsores to start. They tend to become less mobile and even bedridden. If not encouraged to ambulate or left in bed or a wheelchair for several hours, skin breakdown can occur. If not detected promptly or skincare measures not employed, decubitus ulcers can quickly deteriorate, often within days. At that point, aggressive inpatient medical treatment will be required in an already immunosuppressed patient. If sepsis develops, many elderly patients simply cannot overcome the infection and will pass.

With head injury cases, these patients are being cared for in hospitals and by specially trained professional staff. They have specifically designed beds that constantly “move” in an attempt to prevent decubitus formation. The staff monitor fluid intake, usually by IV, and nutrition is supplied through a tube directly into the stomach. Many of these patients are on ventilators to breathe and are fighting to recover from a traumatic brain injury. If properly monitored and turned regularly, bedsores never get a chance to start. On reddened areas, skin integrity must be maintained by applying lotions and regular massaging to maintain proper circulation to the area.

Paraplegia and quadriplegia patients are, of course, the most vulnerable to bedsore formation and must be protected by hypervigilant care. Special care must be given at all times but especially during transport by ambulance for procedures and follow-up care. I have a recent case where a paraplegic patient was left on a hard stretcher for several hours waiting for an MRI scan. During that relatively brief period, the patient was not turned or repositioned. Several “reddened areas” in the usual “pressure points” were not detected, and skin breakdown started in just a few hours. People who are paralyzed already suffer from decreased circulation and are chronically undernourished and borderline dehydrated. As a result, bedsores quickly deteriorate without immediate and aggressive medical intervention. In this case, the patient died in her thirties after just a few days. How can this happen so fast? It is the deadly combination of inadequate hydration, nutrition, systemic circulation issues, and lowered immune response. No matter what the excuse is given, bedsores are completely preventable in all cases. The more frail and vulnerable the patient; the more care is required. When proper care is not given, deadly results can occur quickly.